I believe you are talking about the dynamic, exciting incentives to increase your downline’s enthusiasm that helps them look forward to doing the SFI business? I do agree that incentives create a fun culture in our business. It is widely acknowledge that recognition is also as effective a motivator as an increase of income. So how to kick start the fun in your team activities?
My suggestions:
1) Create a Contest within your Team. But what kind of a Contest? To me certain criteria you can consider and to be divided into 2 categories (and within a certain period of time):
• Based on Performance incentives - Such as new sign-ups per week/month etc.
Training steps completed, TC products sold, highest TC products volume sold etc, EZ
Games top Scorers, PB Winners etc.
• Achievers incentives – be it big or small achievements, rewards them accordingly.
Recognition raises self-esteem. By showing that you care about them that you value and
appreciate the effort that they put forth, and once they know by your actions, they may show
you something you may not have thought possible – they will give you their best
performance. For recognition, you can give away the following:
a) Create a recognition certificate (ready to be framed)
b) A pin/trophy
c) Special guest appearance at your webminar
d) Special give away items like T-Shirt, Caps, Smartphone, Tabs etc (depending on your
e) Ticket to a network marketing seminars. For example PSA who sign-up 5 new active
affiliate for the next 2 month gets this ticket to the seminar.
f) Free travel – always a good one, such as beach, cruise or family trip (whichever is
affordable by you).
2) The old way, have some home parties - Most of us are so focused on getting new sign-ups and customers online. We tend to forget that home parties will move you from high-tech to high-touch. You are giving them the opportunity to see, touch and try your products, ask questions and receive immediate answers and also hear other’s opinions.
• Your focus not just retailing products but also on finding new affiliates to join your team, in
return will build your team quickly as new member of your team will also bring their new
friends to their own home party.
• The fun part is also to have a contest. With your product line up, tell them about your
products/services/program. Then ask your guests questions based on what you’ve told
them. First person with the right answer receive a small prize. Please don’t be stingy with
your freebees – make sure everyone who attends walks away with a free sample, catalogue,
name card etc. Very important that handouts should have your contact information including
name, phone number, e-mail and website.
A critical key to a successful contest is communication to your whole team the details of the contest. Disperse it via your team mail, stream post and T-Connect page. Then request the ones who are interested in propelling their business and getting the prize to let YOU KNOW. This put the milk out for the ones that are truly excited and going to do it.
Once you have the motivated people from your team on board, let the game begin. You may just find the contest ignites your fire a bit more too. You’ll see both businesses take off.