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What are you doing today (to develop your SFI business) that will matter tomorrow?

12481 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 4/13/2016 8:35 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
What am I doing today (to develop my SFI business) that will matter tomorrow?

Well, the short answer to this question is “EVERYTHING!”

I work the SFI system as SFI has given it to us – as per the “To-DO List”, see: -

and I have my focus firmly on “The Plan”: -

Yes, I’m heading for Diamond Team Leader. This involves earning VersaPoints (VP) and developing

How do you get your affiliates to respond to you when you send them messages?

12202 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 4/13/2016 7:45 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
How do I get my affiliates to respond to me when I send them messages?

There is no easy answer to this question.

I suppose, that if I had deep pockets, I could entice them by offering a reward of some kind to get them to respond. Well, I don’t have deep pockets. In fact I really “sweat” hard each month to maintain my Bronze Team Leader rank. So this method is not an option for me. But then, I don’t think it is very wise to offer additional rewards to your team.


As a new affiliate, how much should I invest in SFI to start earning money every month?

11763 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 4/10/2016 4:49 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
As a new affiliate, how much should I invest in SFI to start earning money every month?

Let me be as practical as possible in answering this question. First, the theory.

1. You actually start to earn a commission in SFI from day one, just by earning VersaPoints (VP) by doing the actions available to you; see the complete list on your To-Do Tab on your SFI Homepage: -

Note all the different types of actions you can

What's the best way to build a profitable SFI business using S-Builder Co-op?

11435 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 10/12/2014 11:40 am

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
First let’s be clear what S-Builder is.

S-Builder is SFI’s international, multi-channel advertising co-op. It is available to all SFI affiliates through the TripleClicks Superstore. Please refer to the following link: –

To participate you purchase shares, which are called “units” in the co-op.
One unit costs US$24.00 per month or US$22.00 if it is part of a Standing Order (SO). That is just US$0.72

How can I use the new feature for adding images in Stream and on the Leadership Page blog to better support my team?

11420 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 4/3/2016 7:17 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
How can I use the new feature for adding images in Stream posts and on my Leadership Page blog to better support my team?

I love this new feature of SFI! I am only just starting to use it but I can see its huge potential to help me get my messages across.

In fact it is changing the way I work my SFI business and how I communicate with my team. Previously I would often write three or even up to five Stream posts on the same day each week and then not write any more until the

How much time should I allow before I should expect to be producing income from SFI?

10051 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 11/8/2015 8:02 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
How much time should I allow before I should expect to be producing income from SFI?

I think most of the answers I have read so far to this question miss the whole point of SFI - that SFI is a worldwide business, open 24/7/365, that sells products and services over the internet, from which, we affiliates receive commissions.

And the obvious answer to this question is that “I produce income from the very first time that I log into SFI.” Why do I say that? I say it because

How can I help ensure that my affiliates read all the exciting and important SFI announcements?

9749 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 3/3/2016 4:44 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
How can I help ensure that my affiliates read all the exciting and important SFI announcements?

Let me tell you what I do and give you an example: -

1. I contact ALL my affiliates as a group as best I can.

I contact my whole team with at least one weekly TeamMail and with at least three weekly Stream Posts.

The TeamMail also goes to their private email address that they gave SFI when they joined so there is a chance that they will receive these even if

What are some ways to use Attraction Marketing to build my SFI business?

9352 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 2/17/2016 8:22 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
What are some ways to use Attraction Marketing to build my SFI business?

I am going to use my PASSION for SFI to fuel my Attraction Marketing campaigns. There are two aspects to this: -

1. Marketing the SFI business opportunity:

I am EXTREMELY passionate about the SFI business opportunity – so I just let my prospect see my total conviction about SFI. In fact I have to discipline myself to address their particular needs and questions rather than just give them the

How do you show a prospect that there's money to be made as an affiliate with SFI?

9320 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 4/7/2016 6:41 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
How do I show a prospect that there’s money to be made as an affiliate with SFI?

I do five things: -

1. Firstly, I show them my Commissions Report, see: -

This is not spectacular but it does give a truthful example of what has happened to me. And it shows my longevity in SFI – that’s a very important point to make.

The beauty of it is that I can use these monthly reports to explain the detail

What would be a good message or letter to send to my PSAs about the new CSA Rewards program?

9314 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 2/17/2016 7:46 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
What would be a good message or letter to send to my PSAs about the new CSA Rewards Program?

This is the SPECIAL TeamMail (Chat) that I have sent to my WHOLE team – both my PSAs and CSAs.

Please feel free to use it and/or change it in any way you like.

Notice I have not repeated the news item in my TeamMail. But I hope I have encouraged my team enough by what I have said about it, so that they will go and study this news release themselves. Then I have invited