I want to make sure my affiliates know about and understand the value of the new Milestone Shares. How do I do this?

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9662 votes
Ufuomaoghene Afekhuai, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 1/13/2016 5:34 am
Affiliate since: 07/08/2018, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ufuomaoghene's 238 other Ask SC answers
Good day Rania,

This is an interesting question. It is important as an Awesome Sponsor, to highlight the importance of the New Milestone Shares and how it will grow your team.

SFI innovation in 2016 aim is to scentised team growth, stability, sales and commissions. The Milestone Shares is designed to encourage all affiliates to stay active in their growth-promoting activities and to accumulate as much VersaPoints as they can to qualify for their next milestone starting with
8977 votes
Kay Byers, Aff (Michigan, US) Top Author Forum Guru 1/11/2016 5:36 pm
Affiliate since: 10/26/2010, Power Rank: 537 | Read Kay's 289 other Ask SC answers
You will need to understand all that is available about the Milestone Shares and some of the ways to make sure you will reap their fullest benefit. Then you can devote a team mail to the full subject, or you can give them an outline and elaborate on each topic in following team mails.

We will earn a certain number of shares for each block of 10 VP earned personally, no matched VP.Thet will be banked, saved up, until we reach the next rank.At the time commissions are paid, the shares will
8834 votes
John Smith, Aff (Nevada, US) Top Author Forum Guru 1/10/2016 10:50 am
Affiliate since: 08/28/2022, Power Rank: 566 | Read John's 37 other Ask SC answers
The new Milestone Shares are really very valuable to all of us.

For new affiliates who are joining SFI in 2016 the Milestone Shares represent a bonus for those who upgrade their status to a team leader at a later stage in SFI and cash in the accumulated shares at each stage from BTL to DTL. I am sure SFI will inform the new affiliate with details explaining how the Milestone Shares work.

To make sure that your affiliates understand the M.S. you can send them to https://www.sfimg.com/Support/Solution?id=215372
8725 votes
Mar Fajardo, Aff (Ontario, CA) Top Author Forum Guru 1/7/2016 2:08 am
Affiliate since: 05/03/2002, Power Rank: 226 | Read Mar's 582 other Ask SC answers
The Milestone Shares is designed to encourage all affiliates to stay active in their growth-promoting activities and to accumulate as much VersaPoints as they can to qualify for their next milestone starting with the rank of BTL.

How to make sure that your affiliates know about and understand the value of the new Milestone Shares? Do the following steps:

- Familiarize yourself by reading about the Milestone Shares carefully and digesting it. By doing this you'll be able to explain
8659 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 1/6/2016 2:00 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Firstly you can advise your team that to the left of their picture on their home page, they will see their tally of their Milestone Shares.

These Milestone Shares are called such as for each Milestone you reach you are awarded extra shares in the TripleClicks Executive Pool.

The Milestones are, as we all know are the Team Leader ranks eg. Bronze Team Leader, Silver Team Leader, Gold Team Leader, Platinum Team Leader and Diamond Team Leader.

Depending on which
8643 votes
Williams Ford, Aff (Georgia, US) Top Author Forum Guru 1/7/2016 7:24 pm
Affiliate since: 07/02/2024, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Williams's 638 other Ask SC answers
In order to explain the value of milestone shares, you must first understand how they work. The announcement can be found here: http://news.sfimg.com/2016/01/01/new-for-2016-milestone-shares/ As with everything here at SFI, the announcement is straight forward. Everyone qualifies for milestone shares. For each new milestone achieved, banked shares are paid. So they will accrue until you reach the next highest milestone for up to 1 year. Milestone shares are paid 1 time per TL milestone. Should
8592 votes
Ronilo Saguit, Aff (Philippines) Top Author Forum Guru 1/4/2016 5:25 pm
Affiliate since: 08/06/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ronilo's 408 other Ask SC answers
If you can share the concept of Milestone Share in concise few words the better.

Here are simple facts about Milestone share that we should understand:

1. Milestone share are accumulated VP's added to the personal VP's we earn normally.

2. The additional VP is given every time you earn 10 personal VP's (sales or action VP).

3. The additional VP depends on your rank. 10 for BTL, 12 for STL, 14 for GTL, 16 for PTL and 18 for DTL.

4. This accumulated
8574 votes
VIVEK KUMAR A FAUZDAR, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 1/6/2016 11:13 pm
Affiliate since: 11/14/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read VIVEK KUMAR A's 129 other Ask SC answers
To make your PSAs understand the significance of Milestone shares in their growth path, you need to understand it thoroughly yourself and make them understand it by means of sending easy comprehensive mails.

Let them first understand what a Milestone share is and how it works?

It is simply a share of points according to your rank that get added to your account for your daily; weekly; monthly work or sales / purchase done. In other words, you receive Milestone share for every
8541 votes
Vivian Butler, Aff (California, US) Top Author Forum Guru 1/4/2016 9:37 pm
Affiliate since: 07/18/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Vivian's 15 other Ask SC answers
Hi Rania Masaeed,

It is important to make sure the affiliates on your team understands SFI new Milestone Shares.To make this happen, here are a few ways I can think of:

1- Use Stream to communicate with your affiliates and ask them if they understand SFI's new milestone shares and the value it offers them

2- Use Team mail to communicate with your team and explain SFI's milestone shares and include the link for SFI's new milestone shares to read

3- Use
8540 votes
Abe Taddesse, Aff (Washington, US) Top Author Forum Guru 1/10/2016 10:02 pm
Affiliate since: 06/05/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Abe's 168 other Ask SC answers
This is another great example of what SFI/TripleClicks is all about to improve the
Service and how we can benefit the most as an affiliate when we work diligently to
Improve the quality of our life.

It is a new program and we need to know more about it to explain to our team
Members, how ever it is not that difficult or complicated to understand
In short you can simply lead them to

