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What's the biggest turn-off that I should avoid talking about to prospects for SFI?

6529 votes

Andrew Anderson, Aff (Arizona, US) 12/7/2014 12:01 am

Affiliate since: 04/13/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
I don't know of any fact that is a turn off.

SFI is a great program and the aspects of it appeal to serious online business owners. Nothing about the program should be hidden or played down because it's not the quantity of sign-ups that matters but the quality of them.

Here is what happens if you try to deceive or hand pick information about a program from your prospects.

# They learn the truth once they have signed up.
# They stop trusting you. They stop trusting

Is there such a thing as helping your affiliates TOO much?

6458 votes

Andrew Anderson, Aff (Arizona, US) 12/6/2014 11:45 pm

Affiliate since: 04/13/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
There seems to be some confusion among respondents.

Some grasp the word Help, others are confusing it with frequency of contact, and it's sad the number of people who would discourage efforts to improve your team. If they are serious about the business your team will have desire to learn daily and enjoy working closely with you and being in constant contact.

They will join Facebook Chats and Skype Groups, give you a phone number to call and connect on social media.


Can I be successful in SFI without investing any money? And if so, how?

6434 votes

Andrew Anderson, Aff (Arizona, US) 4/23/2015 4:04 pm

Affiliate since: 04/13/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Success without investing any money is a challenge but can be done.

You never have to buy anything from TripleClicks in order to earn income here. We are not an MLM, and a Standing Order is not mandatory, but as earnings start to flow you are best served to re-invest them into higher quality paid advertising or co-op shares until your business reaches a point where it can provide an income and sustain investment.

How do you proceed as a free member promoting what you have access

What is the most effective way to communicate with your team?

6424 votes

Andrew Anderson, Aff (Arizona, US) 12/6/2014 11:35 pm

Affiliate since: 04/13/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
In a perfect world my team would all adopt Skype or let me put them on a list for Google Plus Hangouts, or in a Facebook Chat.

Reality is each of the members will use one of these, some of these, or none of these. Some will give me an e-mail address that works and some will even provide a phone number I might be able to call from my cell. There will also be some who have the audacity to think they can run a business with no human contact or interaction.

So where I am at in my

What is the best way to predict the final price in the Pick The Price game?

6372 votes

Andrew Anderson, Aff (Arizona, US) 9/9/2014 2:40 am

Affiliate since: 04/13/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Watch lots of auctions and track what a particular items averages selling for at various times of day and in various auction types.

A item in a 1 WA auction will usually sell for less than an item in a DP or double Points auction. An item auctioned at 3AM SFI time will usually sell for less than the same auction held at 3PM SFI time.

It's a law of averages game. You need to know average prices for the type of auction, time of day, and type of item and then make your best educated

How do you work with and motivate an affiliate who has very limited internet access?

6315 votes

Andrew Anderson, Aff (Arizona, US) 9/9/2015 3:54 pm

Affiliate since: 04/13/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Start out with a tour of TripleClicks Direct products using the filter for SFI related items.

Show them that there is a range of offline promotional materials for both SFI and TripleClicks as well as the E-commerce Associates program. Since most Internet issues come from having limited access instead of limited connections I can assume that most of these users either don't have a computer of their own and share one with family or friends, or they own a laptop or smart phone and can only

What is the best way to help my affiliates build their downlines?

6286 votes

Andrew Anderson, Aff (Arizona, US) 3/22/2015 3:29 pm

Affiliate since: 04/13/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
I have a plan that works wonders and is really simple to do.

1. Tell them about the 3 buttons at the top of the page and make sure they go through the 30 days of training in the Launchpad because they will not be a success if they don't understand their business.

2. Make sure they are committed to working daily at least 1 hour a day and becoming an EA2 because these are the minimums needed for their success and by minimum I mean encourage them to do more if they can.


Which will better help me attract affiliates...promoting TripleClicks, or promoting SFI?

6273 votes

Andrew Anderson, Aff (Arizona, US) 9/9/2015 4:00 pm

Affiliate since: 04/13/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
If you are looking for affiliates you promote SFI, if you are looking for sales commissions you promote TripleClicks.

Affiliates will frequent job listings and business listings, may be seeking franchise opportunities or looking at business property listings, they may also be found looking for entrepreneur training online like budgeting and human relations articles. Some will also be looking at financial sites as curious future investors looking for the right opportunity to make their

How do I maintain or boost momentum in my group?

6265 votes

Andrew Anderson, Aff (Arizona, US) 12/25/2014 11:57 pm

Affiliate since: 04/13/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Incentives for Action:

Develop your network of web properties, and business listings so you are generating a stead stream of sign-ups. Use the Co-Op Manger to distribute and reward team members who reach certain performance based goals every month. A Great example is give them 1 share for referring 5 people in a month and another share for becoming an EA2 or above.

Be generous with praise:

People like to hear the words, "Keep up the good work" because it

What would be a good strategy for attracting senior citizens to SFI?

6245 votes

Andrew Anderson, Aff (Arizona, US) 3/22/2015 4:04 pm

Affiliate since: 04/13/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Please remember before you make too many golden years plans that retirees often have special needs to be able to participate. The older the recruit the higher the chances are of them having some degree of computer literacy issues, they may also be on a fixed income, and they may have commitments that make them available only certain times of the year or have a lifestyle that puts them on the road without an internet connection for weeks at a time.

Retirees tend to only need supplemental