This is a very important question because it is a challenge sometimes as an individual to want to continue and then while your spirits are flagging you need to encourage some other persons on continuing. I've thought about a really suitable answer to give but i can't come up with something perfect, i'm not perfect.
The best way to keep your downline from quitting and giving up is to lead by example and do your very best to assist where and when possible knowing that for every one affiliate in your downline that achieves a goal you benefit from it. keeping that in mind, as many affiliates that respond to you after contacting them make sure you do a follow up and always try to keep in touch with them. Communication soles a lot of problems.
This is a very important question because it is a challenge sometimes as an individual to want to continue and then while your spirits are flagging you need to encourage some other persons on continuing. I've thought about a really suitable answer to give but i can't come up with something perfect, i'm not perfect.
The best way to keep your downline from quitting and giving up is to lead by example and do your very best to assist where and when possible knowing that for every one affiliate ...more