Financial support is not the right thing to give your affiliates, as everyone here has come to earn his bread and butter and the affiliate although hard working, can do this business without the so called financial assistance.
Giving financial assistance to your affiliates spoils them and does not assure you of results.
Moreover, it must be understood that this business can be done without spending a dime and only needs the conviction from an affiliate.
The affiliate must understand, that money only speeds up the process, since it may be considered as an investment one makes towards his business.
If the affiliate is really serious, he can make this business work even with plain conviction.
Of course, one could give a few gift cards as rewards, affiliate re-assignments and or co-op include him in some kind of co-op.
But these freebees must be given to those serious affiliates who are really serious and this only a serious sponsor could tell.
A tip to a serious sponsor here, to gauge how serious the affiliate is, could be that this affiliate should be regularly or at least at regular intervals keep sponsoring new affiliates and doing at least the free things in the to-do list to the maximum and not leaving out a single VP.
This is the best gauge of seriousness and the sponsor could surely reward this affiliate accordingly.
It is also not prudent on the part of the affiliate to expect more from the sponsor, as he must understand, this is his business and not his sponsors.
Financial support is not the right thing to give your affiliates, as everyone here has come to earn his bread and butter and the affiliate although hard working, can do this business without the so called financial assistance.
Giving financial assistance to your affiliates spoils them and does not assure you of results.
Moreover, it must be understood that this business can be done without spending a dime and only needs the conviction from an affiliate.
The affiliate must understand,