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What is the best way to help affiliates in my group who have limited access to a computer?

7297 votes

Olufolake Stephen Adams, Aff (Nigeria) 3/9/2015 1:37 pm

Affiliate since: 06/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
The best way to help your affiliates is to tell them to access and use what they have.
Now in this part of the world, people are becoming more internet literate and are using several means to this. One of them is the smartphones, Android, Appleipod, Apple ipad etc. This even include Blackberry. There will be a browsing device they'l have to use if the computer cannot be accessed.
If no browsing device, the internet or cyber cafe are all available.
Accessing from friends/

Should the way you approach prospective ECAs vary by country/region?

7258 votes

Olufolake Stephen Adams, Aff (Nigeria) 3/11/2015 2:02 am

Affiliate since: 06/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Jain
My answer to you is yes and capital one at that. Why? It is because of the following reasons:
1. Nations are different with different rules and policies that govern them and their industries.
The law of business that works in one country may not work in others. That is why SFI always tells us to abide by the rules and regulations of where we even place our adverts. For instance, when India banned some products, SFI stopped shipping there and totally banned such items from auction

What should I be doing besides the daily actions on my To Do List to build a thriving SFI business?

7244 votes

Olufolake Stephen Adams, Aff (Nigeria) 8/29/2014 4:14 am

Affiliate since: 06/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Danny
The best answer will be training and building a long and formidable team.
Secondly, having a standing order that will maintain your EA status every month, because that is the bedrock of your thriving SFI business. why? the reason is because, it does not matter how many sales you made or your commission value, you will lose them ALL because you couldn't make the month's EA status. It happened to me in my second month as an affiliate. so, to have a thriving SFI business, first create

How I can encourage my downline members to purchase from TripleClicks?

7211 votes

Olufolake Stephen Adams, Aff (Nigeria) 10/30/2014 8:55 pm

Affiliate since: 06/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
well, the first step is you buying, meaning you live by example.
2. what benefits have you incurred from your purchase?
3. did it add value to your commissions every month?
You see what you are doing here is MARKETING and in every business endeavors we have laws. Marketing too has its laws and one of its laws is THE POWER OF PERSUASION. IF YOUR PERSUASION POWER IS LOW, FORGET RESULTS. so what do you do? you have to fuel that power by being convinced first. what will make you

What is the best way to train my PSAs and CSAs?

7178 votes

Olufolake Stephen Adams, Aff (Nigeria) 8/29/2015 5:51 pm

Affiliate since: 06/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Milica,
The best way to train your team is to communicate with them via teaching and showing them by example. This is by doing what you teach and train and that is to:
1. Teach them how to build a profitable and successful business.
2. Refer them to the major things that SFI itself emphasizes to all affiliates and that is:
A. The start up video.
B. The SFI Basics.
C. The Launchpad.
D. The marketing aids/ methods
E. Getting Started.
F. The Fast Tracker

Should a person go for the rank of Team Leader if they don't yet have a team?

7160 votes

Olufolake Stephen Adams, Aff (Nigeria) 6/25/2015 8:17 pm

Affiliate since: 06/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Waleed.
My answer to you will be Yes. Why this is so is because becoming a TL builds your team faster for you:
1. When you become a TL, you have a share in the 2nd Home CSAs each month. This starts the beginning of your team.
2. From your investment in becoming a TL, you can buy 1-2 units of S Builder to help you in getting a team.
3. From your TCredits bought, you can get PSAs from the Pricebenders Auction or the Bid and Build Program.
4. You can also build your team

What are the most valuable marketing skills I should teach my downline?

7118 votes

Olufolake Stephen Adams, Aff (Nigeria) 9/2/2015 2:19 pm

Affiliate since: 06/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Dave,
I will group the valueable marketing skills that you can teach your downline into 7 groups or categories.
These categories are the core that enhances productivity, sales and results in their business, which are:
1. Ability and the how to create sign ups.
2. Teaching on how to create or generate sales through their SFI/TC gateways.
3. Marketing skills on how to do effective advertising.
4. How to lead and build their team.
5. How to promote and create their

If I only have one hour a day to spend on SFI, what should I spend this limited time doing?

7090 votes

Olufolake Stephen Adams, Aff (Nigeria) 8/29/2015 5:29 pm

Affiliate since: 06/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Mary
I believe it all depends on what you want to achieve for the day apart from the daily SFI'chores' that needs to be done.
With what you have in mind is to divide your tasks according to these:
1. Urgent and Important.
2. Urgent but Not important.
3. Not urgent but important.
4. Not urgent and Not important.
This way you easily remove the ones that are not urgent and not important.
To maximize your one hour is to focus on your SFI's urgent and most important

What's the best way to communicate with your downline?

7089 votes

Olufolake Stephen Adams, Aff (Nigeria) 10/16/2015 11:55 am

Affiliate since: 06/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Augustine
There are many ways to communicate with your downline like the E cards, your Genealogy mailer etc
But the best of them all is your Genealogy mailer. Why? For the following reasons:
1. Because you can talk to everybody at once.
2. You can talk to individual groups e.g your PSAs or CSAs.
3. You can talk to individuals who signed up at a certain date.
4. You can check the progress of your downline through your genealogy and be able to help them.
5. You

What are the best, most effective strategies one should use when just starting up with SFI?

7070 votes

Olufolake Stephen Adams, Aff (Nigeria) 6/29/2015 11:53 pm

Affiliate since: 06/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
The best strategy is to know how to Get Started.
When new affiliates start off, it is important to know how to begin. That is why when new affiliates arrive, SFI itself helps us to get them started by watching the getting started video which we build on by welcoming them to our team
Second strategy is to know how the system works. Why many affiliates are not active is because they don't know how the system works. It took me months before it actually sank in. I didn't know why