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How can we shift from quantity to QUALITY with our sign-ups?

3593 votes

Lawal Sunday Joshua, Aff (Nigeria) 1/5/2014 5:02 pm

Affiliate since: 05/06/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello and thanks for asking.

To ensure quality and not quantity when signin up PSA do this.

1. Ensure you have explain the basics of SFI before signing up. This way they would have understanding of what its al about.

2. Do not sugar coat SFI, talking them into joining to make quick money. You will have plenty PSAs droping and not making progress if you do that.

3. Do not ask for their passwords to do their dailies for them. You are suppose to lead and

What's the secret for easily qualifying for the rank of Team Leader each month?

3588 votes

Lawal Sunday Joshua, Aff (Nigeria) 1/23/2014 2:53 pm

Affiliate since: 05/06/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello thanks for asking

To qualify for a TEAM LEADER position we need to go back to our basics.

1. Do your dailies by reviewing you red tabs.

2. Duplicate more PSA's by making them qualify for at least EA every month that is if you have 100PSA WORKING EFFECTIVELY then 100*100 = 10000VP per month.

3. Make standing order to earn 1500VP

4. Register PRM and ECA so as to earn both cash and VP as they start working effectively.

5. Play

What is the most valuable thing you learned in your first year in SFI?

3587 votes

Lawal Sunday Joshua, Aff (Nigeria) 1/5/2014 5:10 pm

Affiliate since: 05/06/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello and thanks for asking

Here a million dollar question.
I learned to read. I never really understand what SFI was all about. So I learned how to read and understand so I can grow.

In reading I learned to

1. Encourage myself so I can continue

2. I learned how to recruit other affiliates to build my business.

3. I learned how to make adverts and do marketing.

4. I learned how to be a great leader through reading.


What are the signs that a new affiliate is going to be a good one?

3563 votes

Lawal Sunday Joshua, Aff (Nigeria) 7/10/2013 2:57 am

Affiliate since: 05/06/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Nice question
So many sponsor have always thought affliates who rushed into the business are always the best. Here is one thing, there is difference when you have your passion growing for something and when you realize that you cant meet up with the requirements for keeping up your passion for that thing. Earning the ealier VP makes them more passionate but when they realize they had to get more VP's especially when money is needed they begin to draw back. Some may draw back and push froward

What is the best way to present the idea of TripleClicks TCredits to someone who has never heard of them?

3516 votes

Lawal Sunday Joshua, Aff (Nigeria) 1/23/2014 2:53 pm

Affiliate since: 05/06/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello and thanks for asking the question

Its good you said the one who never had before. I did same to a friend who loved it but didn't have time.

The idea was He would be living the higher institution and would want to invest in something related to business.

Firstly, the question was what do you intend doing. nothing much he said.
So I said I have business that you can start for free and earn so many free things

1. You can win THINGS for less than

How do you deal with PSAs who you offer unconditional support but still rate you poorly?

3345 votes

Lawal Sunday Joshua, Aff (Nigeria) 1/5/2014 5:18 pm

Affiliate since: 05/06/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello and thanks for asking.

Dealing with affiliates who decide to turn you down when you are lifting them up its simple.

You could decide to not care about them any more and you totally lose them


Keep doing the good work you've been doing, encourage them instead on comfronting them. Sooner or later you will have them in total.
They will become loyal someday, truthful and grateful. Give them second chance each time they do that.


Why is it important to have team members to take on leadership roles?

2759 votes

Lawal Sunday Joshua, Aff (Nigeria) 1/6/2015 9:18 am

Affiliate since: 05/06/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Thanks, am glad you asked.

With the numbers of months i have spent so far in SFI business, I believe becoming a Team Leader is as important as joining SFI in the first place.

I believe one of the SFI goals is to train all her affiliates into becoming a leader in any business, which is why SFI has to start it in he business.

Also to measure your success, the number of team leader you have in your team has to be considered, it shows you have been successful in the area