I have experience with in-person presentations, direct mail, trade shows, handing out biz cards, network at events, etc. Can offline marketing be as effective for my SFI business as online marketing?

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3670 votes
Zeljko Mitic, Aff (Serbia) Top Author Forum Guru 2/20/2014 4:49 am
Affiliate since: 11/19/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Zeljko's 12 other Ask SC answers
Hello Ann

Sure it does. You probably living in populated area so why don't you use you offline marketing skills to get your business growing. If you have experience you have then tools for growing business. I think that offline marketing is great but try to learn online marketing as well so in combination you will get fantastic results. So to be short my answer is yes.
3601 votes
Michelle Cummings, Aff (Australia) Top Author Forum Guru 2/19/2014 3:04 am
Affiliate since: 12/21/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Michelle's 7 other Ask SC answers
How fortunate to have such experience, I believe you can use your offline experience to compliment your online marketing. By using both forms of marketing you have the advantage of being able to have a double edged campaign, which puts you ahead of those of us who do not have your marketing prowess. Good luck!
2333 votes
Jeannette Gerrard, Aff (District of columbia, US) Top Author Forum Guru 2/21/2014 11:18 pm
Affiliate since: 11/13/2001, Power Rank: 78 | Read Jeannette's 241 other Ask SC answers
Yes, it can! It's good that you have this experience. Both offline and online methods are great! There is no way you can be sure that peple are going to respond or continue with the business. So working this business offline and online is the way to go. Talking with peple and sharing information with them and sharing your excitement about what you are doing is a really good thing. Do one-on-one and group presentations and help people to register when they desire to do so.

The online
2228 votes
David Bell, Aff (California, US) Top Author Forum Guru 2/22/2014 9:32 pm
Affiliate since: 06/06/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read David's 10 other Ask SC answers
This is a great question and I hope that I can give an answer that will not only help you but every other affiliate here with SFI.
To best answer your question, let me first ask you one. Do brick and mortar businesses advertise on the world wide web, and if so, why do you think they do?
We all know that more and more businesses are advertising on the web. When they advertise using the internet, they hope to increase their traffic through the door but also, they hope to grow their business