Facebook is overcrowded with online job ads. Where else can I advertise?

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9119 votes
EGOZI EBONO, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 2/17/2016 1:54 am
Affiliate since: 05/02/2022, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read EGOZI's 56 other Ask SC answers
I absolutely agree with you but Facebook paid advert is still very effective and results oriented so consider this.

However, you may also advertise on the following media;

Freelance.com, twitter, super safe mailer, google blogger.com, guaranteed results, explosive safelist,google +, www.blackplanet.com, traffic Pro List, The Traffic Seceret, safelist blazer, express safelist, speedway Safelist, Adpirate, adtroopers, Premier List Builder, mail bag Safelist, businesslist.co.cm,
9106 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 2/15/2016 8:25 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
There are so many other places to advertise, I use Twitter, Traffic Swarm, EasiHits4U, Business Worls List and many more besides. There are Safelists that you can us as well, but be prepared to get a lot of Emails in return if you go down this route.

The Traffic Exchanges are a great way to go if you have no spare budget as all you have to do is to browse the other sites on the Traffic Exchange to earn points for your sites to be viewed. I use Traffic Swarm a lot and EasiHits4U, just put
9105 votes
Henry Breytenbach, Aff (South Africa) Top Author Forum Guru 2/16/2016 2:37 am
Affiliate since: 12/10/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Henry's 4 other Ask SC answers

There are literally thousands of places to advertise SFI and Tripleclicks on, seeing as I'm still relatively new to this SFI idea, I don't have as much experience as Iwould like to have, but SFI provides us with all the info we need.
Most of the following examples are free, I would start with them, and then move onto paid platforms, once you've seen what works best for you.
Some examples include:Twitter;
Newspapers & magazine;
9094 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 2/15/2016 1:20 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
You will want to still advertise, promote and share on Facebook because there are many millions of people hanging out there at any one time.

The trick to advertising or promoting or sharing on Facebook is to ensure that you use analytics to monitor the performance of your campaigns and shares so as to make the necessary adjustments as you move along.

The other good places you may want to advertise at are Google Adwords, Microsoft Bing Ads, LinkedIn, Twitter for business, other
9053 votes
Dzul Latif, Aff (Singapore) Top Author Forum Guru 2/14/2016 10:50 pm
Affiliate since: 06/06/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Dzul's 193 other Ask SC answers
Why not change what you advertise, from an online job opportunity into a self blogging in Facebook.
Facebook is a social community sites where their main reason is connecting relationships from all over the globe.

We shouldn't only stay on one site (Facebook) in order to conduct advertising.
There are too many open sites, member sites, free advertising companies or even paid advertising companies if we care to conduct a search. And if we never stop learning, with more practical
9016 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 2/20/2016 1:00 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Approach the restaurant owners in your area. Ask him or her if you may put a little poster or card on each of the tables, people like to read details at a dinner table while waiting for their food. You can even ask if you may supply them with coasters and put your add on that. This will help with the advertising in your area.
You can also approach your local news paper. Speak to the editor and enquire as to whether you can have pamphlets placed in each edition.
9004 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 2/14/2016 10:17 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
If you are looking for specific answers,we are only allowed to give links to SFI
and Tripleclicks. But we can give suggestions.

To get exposure for Tripleclicks products, services, games,trivia and new members you
must advertise each.For SFI you need new referrals.

All the above material can go into a blog or website.Change the content monthly.
Advertise on safe-lists,traffic exchanges,biz and social communities and ad boards.

You can Google each
8981 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 2/16/2016 10:21 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999

I do not make any posts on Facebook to recruit affiliates for that very same reason - too many choices already. I advertise carefully picked products on Facebook - my goal? sales

Where can you advertize for affiliates?

First stop - your own blog or website

Whatsapp, instagram, pinterest, g mail+ - even sites that will block SFI links can be used if you use your own blog or website address,

There is also paid and free classifieds.

8971 votes
Mohammed Sunmonu, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 2/15/2016 9:12 am
Affiliate since: 10/04/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Mohammed's 69 other Ask SC answers
Facebook is one of the social media to place advert. Other places to do advertising include:

Newspapers and magazine;
School journals and bulletins;
Flyers and Poster;
Whatsapp groups;
BlackBerry messenger groups;
Blogs etc.

The platforms are numerous and ever growing. If you think Facebook is saturated, try others or buy a S-Builder to recruit for your team. You can
8948 votes
Elvedina Omercic, Aff (Bosnia And Herzegovina) Top Author Forum Guru 2/15/2016 2:04 am
Affiliate since: 12/01/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Elvedina's 9 other Ask SC answers
Most ads you see are from people who are not serious about their business or don't have "Staying Power".

Facebook is perfect for marketing. It is best to advertise to those who are already involved in business opportunities. These are the people who are open minded about your opportunity.

More importantly, believe it or not, there aren't that many people marketing SFI on Facebook. SFI URLs are not accepted and many Triple Clicks ads are removed by Facebook. Advertising