How do you make sure you're thinking about the big picture, when it seems that you're always working on a lot of small things that seem to take up all your time?
Your normal routine tasks such as performing To-Do List, responding to your team members' questions, participating in the EZ games, sending weekly support messages,congratulating team members/posting your words of encouragement through your Stream tab, etc. May seem to appear trivial but they're important activities in contributing to the overall success of your long term goal.
It’s so easy to find yourself running out of time, especially if you're doing SFI part time, while holding on to your full time job to get lost in the weeds at work. While being busy has its place, it’s equally critical to look up: to reflect on how things are going, to consider alternative strategies, and to ask yourself important questions that will shape your future with SFI.
You need to devise a strategy for the big picture things that you should be focusing to make your SFI business a success. Here are steps that you can do:
- Give yourself time to think.
Have you given the time lately about your path and ways of doing things in SFI? If you allow yourself to just do what’s next on your to-do list, you’ll never find the time to think about the big picture—there will always be something that feels more urgent.
Allocate time in your daily schedule plan based on when you’re most creative time (morning, afternoon, evening). My big-picture thinking time is when my mind is most inspire and relax and is usually late in the evening.
- Find someone to interact about your SFI business.
During your thinking process you encounter a stumbling block: it’s hard to sit down and force yourself to think.The best ideas often bubble up through the course of conversation, so it’s valuable to find another person to think with and bounce ideas back and forth. I find SFI Forum a valuable tool for this purpose. By just reading the posts, following the threads and interacting with other forum members, I find it very helpful in overcoming stumbling blocks.
Alternatively, you can have a conversation with yourself by asking the big questions and writing down your answers. You'll be surprised to find yourself having long, strategic, and productive dialogues by simply writing out questions and answering them in free-flow form.
- Generate Ideas
You can start your thinking process by asking questions such as, what could be the most ambitious articulation of your goal. One of the most valuable outcomes of thinking big is being able to step outside your comfort zone, away from the day-to-day routine.
Here are bigger picture things that you should be focusing to make your SFI business a success:
- Try to envision what would the world look like when your goal has fully manifested. The steps to get there can sometimes become more obvious when you start vividly imagining the desired outcome.
- What would it be like when you finally attained financial freedom?
- What would you do after you've bought back the time, being free from working under someone else?
- What are you going to focus on with time in your hands and have regained control of your life?
Write down the answers to the questions above to help you capture in your mind what exactly do you want and what's in your heart. Set them in front of you, as you go in your daily routine with SFI or anywhere you can easily read them in your home office.
These are only some of the bigger pictures that you should vividly store in your mind to inspire you to succeed in SFI.
How do you make sure you're thinking about the big picture, when it seems that you're always working on a lot of small things that seem to take up all your time?
Your normal routine tasks such as performing To-Do List, responding to your team members' questions, participating in the EZ games, sending weekly support messages,congratulating team members/posting your words of encouragement through your Stream tab, etc. May seem to appear trivial but they're important activities in contributing