First we need to browse thru the entire products available in our store. As a store owner we should have the knowledge of the products availability.
We need to update our product knowledge everyday by checking the new items added daily on the to-do-list. Unless otherwise we have the through knowledge of our product availability, we can not recommend to the people who want it. We might be having one product in our own store, but without knowing it, we ourselves or others in the family or friends might have bought it outside.
Or vise versa, we may not be having a product which a person might ask for it. We should know what we have.
1. We should have a mindset to advertise. Keep advertising. Our goal is to take SFI and TripleClicks to maximum places.
2. We have to decide to advertise TripleClicks stores or ECAs or individual product depending upon the place where we advertise.
3. In offline advertising better advertise TripleClicks the entire store, highlighting the wide category of the products we have,availability of 90,000+ products, new products added daily, successful track record of the company, of the parent company, ECAs from different countries, regions, uniqueness of products, reliability, mostly free shipping, timely delivery, returns and refunds policy, secured site, pay pal option, facility of opening their own stores, games,music for fun, deals and auctions for money savers,currency converter etc.
4. On generalized sites, forums, social media we can advertise the entire TripleClicks stores.
5. On sites where individual products are sold, we can promote selected products.
6. We can promote products which interests girls, guys,women, men, old people.
7. We can promote products aligning with the season, occasions, festivals.
8. We can promote products in the groups according to the respective group. Music to music lovers, games to fun makers, kitchen appliances to moms etc.
Our ultimate aim must be advertising. Can be the entire TripleClicks stores, ECAs, unwanted stuff thru member listing,or selected products....Keep advertising...enjoy advertising...breathe advertising...Earn by advertising....
Promote a few products every day. Let the TripleClicks store name and fame be spread all over the world.