S-Builder Co-op or PSAs To Go. Which is better and why?

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7090 votes
Derek Barrington, Aff (United Kingdom) Top Author Forum Guru 10/28/2014 10:14 am
Affiliate since: 02/24/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Derek's 210 other Ask SC answers
More than is one better than the other I would say that you are guaranteed a specific number of PSAs in PSAs to go whereas there is no guarantee with S-Builder. In my experience you get between 3 and 5 affiliates with S_Builder and it can take several weeks to get them.

With PSAs to go you get a guaranteed number of PSAs and you normally get them in a relatively quick space of time.

In my experience the S-Builder PSAs that are received are of a better quality, (work wise),
7086 votes
Munireddy Raju, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 10/28/2014 10:09 am
Affiliate since: 03/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Munireddy 's 5 other Ask SC answers
You need to have luck if you need to see active PSAs, whether you buy S-Builder Co-op or PSAs To Go.

It is not about how many PSAs you get from either of the options but how many can become leaders from those PSAs.

1. S-Builder Co-op Unit costs $24 per Unit and may fetch you approximately 5 PSAs + you get 280 VP

2. PSAs To Go costs $39 for 10 PSA Pack, it means 10 PSAs are guaranteed + you get 455 VP

So, from the above analysis I believe that 'PSAs To
7068 votes
Alton Riklon, Aff (Marshall islands, US) Top Author Forum Guru 10/30/2014 9:44 pm
Affiliate since: 02/26/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Alton's 36 other Ask SC answers
This question is a good one. Both products are effective in building your downline. The S-builder is great to automatically get PSA's and you can motivate your existing PSA's by including them in your S-builder program when they maintain their Executive Affilate (EA) status every month. PSA's to go you can get PSA's every month and you can transfer PSA's to your active PSA's using the geneology page.

Therefore, both products are effective and can potentially grow your business
7065 votes
Eugenia Adriana Iliescu, Aff (Romania) Top Author Forum Guru 10/28/2014 4:02 am
Affiliate since: 07/11/2014, Power Rank: 114 | Read Eugenia Adriana's 14 other Ask SC answers
S-Builder Co-op and PSA To Go are two tools that help you form your team and help team members to form his and her team. In fact all of us in SFI we want to build a profitable business and a residual income. Their implementation is based on finding those tools that can help, and S-Builder Co-op and PSA To Go are those tools. I do not think you can choose between them. Each of them will help you form your team and then to work with the team and help them form their turn and her team.
I use
7062 votes
Sean Bottorff, Aff (Ohio, US) Top Author Forum Guru 10/29/2014 1:57 am
Affiliate since: 07/04/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Sean's 17 other Ask SC answers
In my opinion S-Builders is better. Both are at your own risk options though. They will both provide PSA's but they both provide ones that may or may not be active.

Reason I say S-Builders is because, although it may take a while longer to actually start seeing any sign ups you have the chance to not only get PSA's but also PRM's for your TC store. This in my opinion is the best way to go as I have found that advertising I can get plenty of PSA's but almost no PRM's. So far using S-Builders
7042 votes
Julito Macapagal, Aff (Singapore) Top Author Forum Guru 11/2/2014 1:22 am
Affiliate since: 09/17/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Julito's 20 other Ask SC answers
This question is better snswered by those who have tried both methods. So based on testimonies of those Affiliates, here are their most common comments:
1. S-BUILDER is a cheaper option than PSA to go st 0.72c a day but there is no guarantee of sign-ups and no guarantee that signups will become active.
2. PSA to go is a bit more expensive, but gives you guaranteed PSAs. However, the quality of these PSAs is neither guaranteed.

Hence, the choice is on one's decision and the best
7034 votes
Ramadas H P, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 10/30/2014 12:15 am
Affiliate since: 06/30/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ramadas's 18 other Ask SC answers
The goal of network business is to sponsor people as the number game works. So PSAs and S-Builder both contribute towards increasing the sponsoring of the affiliates.
As per my experience, I go for PSAs for my personal sponsoring and I go for S-Builder to encourage my group leaders to get the advantage of sponsoring Personal Affiliates.
Its only managing the things and putting it in a right perspective.

I hope this is made clear and using the right tool for the right actions
7018 votes
Cornelis Sas, Aff (Netherlands) Top Author Forum Guru 10/27/2014 6:51 pm
Affiliate since: 04/16/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Cornelis's 19 other Ask SC answers
Hi Gloria,

A lot of people in my down line have asked me the same question. The answer is not a yes or no type.
The difference between the two is in both prize and guaranty.
Where PSA to go guaranty you a number of new affiliates, Co-Op does not. On the other hand Co-Op is often cheaper than PSA to Go. Also the results from Co-Op are taking longer. What they both have in common is the fact that they don't guaranty that the sign-ups will be(come) active. So, when you look for
6958 votes
Ayodele Abodunrin, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 11/2/2014 1:42 am
Affiliate since: 06/30/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ayodele's 6 other Ask SC answers
Personally, i think the two are the same but offers you the opportunity of choice.
S-Builder Co-op offers an advantage of cost to affiliate with low budget at just 72cent a day & yield result over a period of time, with little or no guarranty of the numbers of affiliate you may get.

While PSAs TO GO gives you the flexibility of having it almost immediately with the certainty in the numbers of affiliates you stand to gain.

However, there is no guarrantee over the
6935 votes
Christo Botha, Aff (South Africa) Top Author Forum Guru 10/29/2014 3:37 am
Affiliate since: 06/02/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Christo's 2 other Ask SC answers
My question to you is, why do you want to limit yourself?
Both have there own pros and cons but one thing is for certain, we need a downline to be successful in this business and the more PSA's you have the better your chance of being successful.
I have been using both but for me personally S-Builder is the better option because, depending on how many shares you get, with a standing order you are going to get a steady stream of PSA's and not all of them at once.

Hope this answer