Hello, Michael!
The answer to your question is the very essence and summary of what SFI is about.
Nearly all the questions raised here at ASK SC relate to this one, one way or the other.
The doors to success will open to us, if we correctly identify the greatest challenge we are facing and we overcome it.
Even when we meet such a challenge, it will still be with us, because it is part of being a successful SFI Affiliate.
What is the challenge?
Helping prospective entrepreneurs to join SFI and helping them see the potential it offers
It is recruiting the right people, those who are willing to do their best, bringing them to SFI either as personally sponsored affiliate (PSAs) or e-Commerce Associates (ECAs).
Sponsoring PSAs and referring ECAs are about both
(i) educating people and helping them, and
(ii) opening their eyes to the unlimited opportunities available here.
We will discuss the challenge and how to overcome it.
I. The Challenge of Successfully Educating People about SFI, Helping them Join and Duplicate ours Efforts
Every team leader, or every Affiliate working to build their business and will have stories to share about failure and setbacks.
A. Struggle against Failures and Setbacks
It nearly happen to all of us every month if we are actively involved in sponsoring and/o9r actively referring.
I personally have had new affiliate scored fast tract, many became Executive Affiliates (EAs), others went as far a Bronze Team leaders (BTL). Despite this great start, all of the sudden they stop working, they disappear. As a team leader, we attempts to motivate them black. We send them email sand e-Cards, we try other ways to contact them.
B. Difficulty to re-qualify to our Highest Rank of Team Leader
Those of us who are Silver Team Leaders and Gold Team Leader, or even some of the newly qualified Platinum Team Leaders know very well the very difficult climb back to the highest Team Leader ranking we already achieved.
As our teams are not strongly built yet, we scramble here and there to meet the action points we need
We may find our own re-qualification jeopardized, any given month we are missing two or more EAs2 and one or two BTLs who fail to re-qualify. We have seen that also happening to other team leaders. It is common occurrence, that often, we notice somebody at a lower rank than they were the previous month.
C. Referral Proactive ECAs and Boosting our PRMs sales
Similarly, we have challenges in our efforts to build our network of e-Commerce affiliates and our online stores and products. This part is as equality important in increasing our residual income. The Money we make here and the points we may earn through e-commerce activity will bring about financial success as well as our ranking within SFI Leadership.
And solving this equation is as difficult as the previous one.
II. The Solution
There are two parts of it: two faces of the same coin.
(a) The ability to nurture our passion for SFI and
(b) Share that passion with potential prospects.
These are the keys to success with SFI and the way to overcome the challenge we face in recruiting.
We have to be passionate about SFI.
When we truly love what we are doing here, we take SFI as a business and very seriously, not only will we find the determination to remain steadfast, but we also will look at the challenge with a different frame of mind and we will look forward to doing every day what is necessary to overcome it.
This include
1. Relentless sponsoring
2. Building business relationship with our new affiliates
3. Assisting them in finding solutions to their own problems
4. Helping them grow their businesses
5. Building a Strong Team of Leader
When we build such a team, we will have overcome the challenge. Our SFI Business will be nearly on autopilot.
However, the successful SFI Team Leader will never stop sponsoring and referring.
Because he loves doing so.