"What will you do differently in 2016 to grow your SFI business?"
I have decided to review, and adjust my investment strategy.
I will then increase my investments toward team building.
Offering more support and mentoring each Affiliate more carefully. Keeping notes, monitoring the performance activity on their Ledgers, and Snapshots as they respond only.
This will mean they will need to keep in regular contact.
Boosting my investment in advertising by establishing an advertising budget.
Concentrate on healthier living, as this will need to be in place to remain alert and energized.
Get more rest, and relax more often than in 2015.
"What will you do differently in 2016 to grow your SFI business?"
I have decided to review, and adjust my investment strategy.
I will then increase my investments toward team building.
Offering more support and mentoring each Affiliate more carefully. Keeping notes, monitoring the performance activity on their Ledgers, and Snapshots as they respond only.
This will mean they will need to keep in regular contact.