I just sent this email to all of my affiliates to give them the information of what I do EXACTLY EVERYDAY.
I hope this helps answer your question and give you some ideas.
Here it is:
I want to point out that it is very important to LOG IN EVERYDAY,
Log in, go to the HOME tab, click on ALERTS, read and scroll to the bottom, click the BAR that you have reviewed the page, then go across to the next tab, TO DO LIST, I always scroll down, click on the TRIPLECLICKS LINK, when I get there, I click on GAMES, then scroll down to the T-TIME DRAWING, Click on the featured product! wait for the 20 second timer, then enter to win 2 T-Credits. (I enter every hour when possible until I win. You can only win once per day)
Then I click on the GAMES Tab again, I enter the CARDKING game, play free twice. I always enter the Sidekicks contest; the free one and the one that cost 1T-Credit to play which is 4x the points by guessing what color the next card will be, I always pick Red :-). Why do I do that you might be wondering.... If you have the same card come up in a row, you get to play the bonus round. In the bonus round you can win game points, T-Credits, and even CSA's!!! If you don't spend at least 1T-Credit in the game then you do not get to play the bonus round. I have won T-Credits, game points and CSA's! You will also earn VersaPoints for playing since you spent 1T-Credit.
Next, I click on AUCTIONS, I go look for an auction with Double MRP, because I will get 1 Daily VersaPoint for bidding. I make the most of it by choosing the DOUBLE MRP auction. IF there isn't one available, I keep checking until there is one, as long as I can. If I am not going to be able to keep checking then I go ahead and bid on any product to get a Daily VersaPoint.
If there is an auction that has a product that I want, I look for NBA to be listed on the auction, which means NO BID ASSIST. Why? It's very hard to win an auction if someone is using the bid assist feature. It's a waste of a T-Credit to compete unless you have a lot of them to use. My advice, if you want a product in an auction that is using that feature, WAIT THEM OUT. When they stop using the auto bidder, then place your bid. Also, don't waste a bid if several people are in a bidding war. WAIT until they run out of steam before joining the auction. Of course, if you want to be THE MOST AGGRESSIVE BIDDER, then go for it :-).
While I'm talking about DOUBLE MRP (Double Member Reward Points); You will want to accumulate as many as possible. They can be used payment for TripleClick purchases. You can also trade them in at the REWARDS TAB. There are several products that you can get. I have used mine several times to get Silver Bars.
Note: if you plan to trade them for Silver Bars, do it on the REWARDS TAB, because it's cheaper there than it is under the PRODUCT TAB.
Ok, back to what I do everyday;
After entering the T-Time drawing, playing CARDKING, and bidding on a DOUBLE MRP auction, I go back to my SFI TO DO LIST, scroll down. Check the weekly actions. I review my T-Connect page, then I go back to the SFI TO DO LIST. I check on how many stream posts that I've made for the week. If I haven't done 3 for the week then I need to make a post when I get to the stream. I don't go right then, I scroll down, reviewing as I go. (I usually do the Group Mailing towards the end of the week), Then Click the bar at the bottom that I've reviewed the page to receive my Daily VersaPoint for that page.
TIPS tab: I click on the TIPS Tab; read, review, scroll to bottom and click the BLUE BAR that acknowledges that you've reviewed the page. Earn 1 VersaPoint.
STREAM tab: click on the STREAM tab, submit a post for your downline if needed. Then scroll down while reading the latest posts until reaching the bottom, then click the BLUE BAR.
TC tab: click, read, scroll to bottom, then click BLUE BAR.
ECA tab: click, read, review, to receive the daily VersaPoint, scroll to the bottom of the page, click on the featured ECA. I look at their products, decide if I want to connect or promote any of their products. If I do, then I share it on Twitter and Facebook.
Then I go back to the SFI page and click: ( note, you will get redirected a lot to the Tripleclicks page, just go back to your SFI page and continue....)
EZ tab: click, review, play a game, if you can, spend 1 T-Credit on a game if you haven't already. To get your daily VersaPoint, you have to spend 1 T-Credit on a game. Don't forget to enter the T-Credit Drawing every hour until you win :-). If you win 2 per day, then you can use them to get your 2 Versapoints to play a game and bid on an auction:-)
PB tab: this will show you a list of current auctions. To get your VersaPoint, you have to bid on one auction per day. Of course you can bid on as many auctions as you want :-). If you have done what I suggested earlier, then you would have already gotten your VersaPoints for the EZ tab and the PB tab. That is why I do it all in the beginning after I click on the TRIPLECLICK LINK on the TO DO LIST.
SCOREBOARD tab: click, read, review, see how many points you need to reach your goal. Scroll down, click BLUE BAR. Receive a VersaPoint.
MOVERS tab: this is where you can see what your downline members are doing. You can click on their name, send then an E-Card if desired of click on one of the icons by their name to send an email. Scroll to bottom, click BLUE BAR, receive you VersaPoint.
GROWTH tab: read, congratulate newest member achievements, scroll to bottom, click BLUE BAR, receive 1 VersaPoint.
GOALS tab: see what you have accomplished so far, scroll down, write your goal in the box, click BLUE BAR. receive 1 VersaPoint.
ASKSC tab: I scroll to the bottom, click the bar to rate answers. I rate 10+ answers, good or bad. Then click at bottom on the link to go to the Daily Grand Drawing. Earn 1 VersaPoint.
WIN IT tab: click, scroll, enter drawing. Earn 1 VersaPoint.
FORUM tab: click, scroll to a topic of interest, select it by clicking on it, read, (participate in the discussion if desired) wait 20 seconds until a green box appears in the top right corner, that says you have earned your VersaPoint.
At this point, you can go back and review anything of interest, or participate in the forum. I go to my email link at the top right of the page. If I have new PSAS, then I go to each ones link, review their progress, send them a Welcome letter. Write your own or click on the link to find one that you like. Copy and paste it in the welcome box, click at the bottom to send the email. Paste it, click send. Then click that you sent it. Here you can also check various things, there is a check list that you can use, and a note section where you can enter your communications or thoughts, etc...
Ok, that's more than enough for you guys today :-).
I do all of this everyday. I'm very systematic with it, same way everyday until all my tasks are done. It may look like all this takes a lot of time but it doesn't. 10 -15 minutes or less, it depends on how involved you get. I work through all the tasks, get all the VersaPoints possible then I go back and do other things. What? Review the Geneology report, commission report, etc... Or I go find products that I like and promote them.
I also promote my SFI web pages in various places, free classifieds, Traffic Exchanges, Twitter, Linked-In, etc...
You can find your web pages under GATEWAYS.
Let me know if you found any of this helpful and share your tips with me :-).
Also, if you like my weekly emails, feel free to copy and edit them to use to send to your downline. Remember you receive 30 VersaPoints each week for mailing news to your downline using the GENEOLOGY report. If you want more informative, just let me know.