All your favourite ECAs have the W3 Share and Win icon displayed with each of their products.
If you click on the icon a link will be displayed. All you need to do to promote these products is copy the link and include it in your emails, social media postings etc. For example if you post the link on FaceBook, the picture of the item you are promoting as well as its brief description will automatically appear. You just have to write an enticing ad to effect a sale.
Further to that, if you click on any product details in TripleClicks you will see the tab ‘SFI Affiliates.’ Open it and you will see a link for promoting that particular product you are reviewing. You will also see a link for promoting all of that ECA’s products. I always include this last link in all my ads.
Write your ads with these links inserted and remember to include a picture of the items you are promoting.
Just keep on promoting and you will earn your commissions.
All your favourite ECAs have the W3 Share and Win icon displayed with each of their products.
If you click on the icon a link will be displayed. All you need to do to promote these products is copy the link and include it in your emails, social media postings etc. For example if you post the link on FaceBook, the picture of the item you are promoting as well as its brief description will automatically appear. You just have to write an enticing ad to effect a sale.