Rating 30 Questions at ASK SC today, I again realized the importance of reading.
As stated so many times by so many people, Leaders are Readers.
As a SFI Affiliate and most probably a future or present Team Leader, Your most important task is to build and lead a team of affiliates. You'll have to be an example and teach them to duplicate your efforts. To be able to do that properly you need knowledge of SFI as a company, of Internet Marketing, of Social Media Marketing, of Marketing as a whole, etc.
The best source of knowledge is SFI itself. Here we have our own in-house Internet Marketing training, Launchpad Lessons, Rules of Success, Forum, ASK SC questions and answers, News and Tips on the Alerts Page, our own Social Media Forum, namely a2a, etc. etc.
There's a wealth of knowledge on our own site. Log in everyday and read as much as possible. I personally, have learned more from ASK SC than from any other source.
You can also enter into On-line Marketing Training outside of SFI. You can also learn the same ways about SFI and marketing. Just do it and you'll never look back again.
Invest in yourself. Read to Lead.
Rating 30 Questions at ASK SC today, I again realized the importance of reading.
As stated so many times by so many people, Leaders are Readers.
As a SFI Affiliate and most probably a future or present Team Leader, Your most important task is to build and lead a team of affiliates. You'll have to be an example and teach them to duplicate your efforts. To be able to do that properly you need knowledge of SFI as a company, of Internet Marketing, of Social Media Marketing,