Family & friends are very close to everybody and effect one's actions & thinking in many ways. To prove yourself right, you have to show them something solid. New affiliates are lacking experience and they are in need of somebody with proven success. Their upline at SFI are ones who can provide them a solid example to follow. So they should assist them at this stage, paying special attention to some important points as follows:
1. This must be cleared that SFI is not a quick rich system. It is a real business and have to work hard devotedly and be patient & persistent. At the end they are going to earn unbelievable income.
2. Offer them full of your assistance, recognition, encouragement by rewarding them Gift Certificates, TCredits, Re-assignments, Free shares in Co-ops etc. Until you see that they are up and running on their own.
3. In communications with them be like a real friends discussing all the aspects of life, other than business as well.
4. Show them your benefits and earnings you are getting which will encourage them.
Family & friends are very close to everybody and effect one's actions & thinking in many ways. To prove yourself right, you have to show them something solid. New affiliates are lacking experience and they are in need of somebody with proven success. Their upline at SFI are ones who can provide them a solid example to follow. So they should assist them at this stage, paying special attention to some important points as follows:
1. This must be cleared that SFI is not a quick rich system. ...more