If it's a case of affiliate who has opt-out, we are not allowed to contact them trough SFI mail and it's not a good idea to contact them any other way either because it would put us in spammer possition.
When aff didn't opt-out but just stopped logging in, the only way is motivation and helping them solve problems they have encountered.
I would recommend sending them e-mails about other member's succeses as well as maybe offering them some help in terms of sharing their links on your websites or starting a co-op. You can promise them to share your sign-ups with them if they come back to work for a certain amount of time untill they start getting results on their own.
At the end, the advice "Work with the workers" still stands, and we can always assume that for the time and effort spent in motivating inactives you could have recruited several active affiliates. Except in case of good working member who has made all your work with them pay off, those who worked without achieving EA or EA2 might not be worth chasing after all.
If it's a case of affiliate who has opt-out, we are not allowed to contact them trough SFI mail and it's not a good idea to contact them any other way either because it would put us in spammer possition.
When aff didn't opt-out but just stopped logging in, the only way is motivation and helping them solve problems they have encountered.
I would recommend sending them e-mails about other member's succeses as well as maybe offering them some help in terms of sharing their links ...more