Pay them a personal visit. Look over their inventory and chose three items that you believe will sell well on TripleClicks. Take pictures of the items and show the business owner how simple it is to download them onto our site. Tell them that you will personally run ads for those things, and then do it - on your TConnect page, free classifieds and within your own paid ads, if possible. Let your a2a friends know about the products and ask them to spread the word, as well. (Their sales will garner a 45% CV for them!)
Once a few sales are made, contact the ECA and ask them if they need any more assistance from you. By then, they should be convinced, but you might make suggestions of other products they could list. Also, if they have some larger items, you should explain the local seller provisions, also. When they see how TripleClicks can work for them, I'm sure they will continue in the program. Just be sure your loyalty to them does not waver, and continue to advertise their site in your monthly ads.
Having a real person who cares about the customers' success is always the best sales tool we have!
Pay them a personal visit. Look over their inventory and chose three items that you believe will sell well on TripleClicks. Take pictures of the items and show the business owner how simple it is to download them onto our site. Tell them that you will personally run ads for those things, and then do it - on your TConnect page, free classifieds and within your own paid ads, if possible. Let your a2a friends know about the products and ask them to spread the word, as well. (Their sales will garner ...more