After thinking about all the answers to this questions some of which was very good observations I have made my conclusion on this question. There is an old saying you can take the horse to the water but you cannot make them drink. I believe the same thing applies with this business. Anyone who enters this business must have a goal and want to do whatever it takes to see success.
A business does not overnight become a success unless there is a divine intervention; therefore it takes hard work, determination, and consistency. Don’t blame anyone for your failure, you must know what is it you want out of life and chart the road to that end.
Things such as signing in daily, promoting the products from TripleClicks, buying from you own business, encouraging others to join, looking at ways how you can set up a standing order, taking part in the auctions and much more time reading to learn the business.
Quitting and giving up should not be in your thinking
After thinking about all the answers to this questions some of which was very good observations I have made my conclusion on this question. There is an old saying you can take the horse to the water but you cannot make them drink. I believe the same thing applies with this business. Anyone who enters this business must have a goal and want to do whatever it takes to see success.
A business does not overnight become a success unless there is a divine intervention; therefore it takes hard ...more