Qualifying for EA status or maintaining EA status becomes almost impossible after the second month without some monetary purchase TripleClicks products. If a hard working PSA/CSA truly is 'cash strapped" with no money for a TripleClicks purchase or Standing Order you can use the Gift Certificate Manager to give this affiliate enough money to buy 10 T-Credits (worth approximately $20). The VP from 10 T-Credits plus all of your daily "To Do" activities will give that hard working PSA/CSA enough VP to qualify for EA. Only do this for PSA's who are truly financially strapped but are logging in every day and performing all their "Too Do" list daily and weekly activities as proof they are genuinely committed to the SFI System and Vision.
Qualifying for EA status or maintaining EA status becomes almost impossible after the second month without some monetary purchase TripleClicks products. If a hard working PSA/CSA truly is 'cash strapped" with no money for a TripleClicks purchase or Standing Order you can use the Gift Certificate Manager to give this affiliate enough money to buy 10 T-Credits (worth approximately $20). The VP from 10 T-Credits plus all of your daily "To Do" activities will give that hard working PSA/CSA ...more