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What are you doing today (to develop your SFI business) that will matter tomorrow?

11691 votes

Victoria Mineva, Aff (Bulgaria) 4/20/2016 5:06 am

Affiliate since: 06/01/2011, Power Rank: 99999999

I do what I do every day from almost 5 years:

* Daily logging in
* Sending Weekly Team mails
* Monthly actions
* Playing EZ game Card King
* Bidding on auctions for PSA/CSA
* Promoting a product I like on my blog
* Uploading to my ECA products to sell
* Answering questions from my PSA/CSA when they have
* Purchasing items from Tripleclicks

Some of the actions I began to do last year. If I did it earlier for sure I would

As a new affiliate, how much should I invest in SFI to start earning money every month?

11589 votes

Victoria Mineva, Aff (Bulgaria) 4/10/2016 4:31 am

Affiliate since: 06/01/2011, Power Rank: 99999999

Well, at first you should decide how much money you can spend per month for Your Business. From my experience I invest every month $45.25 for SO and I earn half of it.

There are also other options:
- $36.25 for 125 Tcredits pack - you immediately become EA with this /1500 VP/
- $29 for 100 Tcredits pack - you receive 1200 VP and you're close enough to EA
- $24 fof S-BUilder- Co - it gives you 280 VP

You can also invest no money, but you need

How can I become a good team leader in SFI if I have low self-esteem and lack experience?

10422 votes

Victoria Mineva, Aff (Bulgaria) 3/19/2016 2:26 am

Affiliate since: 06/01/2011, Power Rank: 99999999

You can't be good team leader with this way of thinking. Really. To be good team leader, you should be first Good person. Under Good I Mean to think good of yourself.
You should treasure yourself more and why low self-esteem? Look back for what you have done till now. You did the best you can. That's all.
Low self-esttem breaks when you see your small victories in every area of your life till now. Once again - You did what you could do and you still do the best you know.


How do you get your affiliates to respond to you when you send them messages?

10125 votes

Victoria Mineva, Aff (Bulgaria) 4/20/2016 5:09 am

Affiliate since: 06/01/2011, Power Rank: 99999999

I can't make the affiliates to respond, but the things I do are:
* Send weeky team mail with quality information
* Sending e-cards for every PSA/CSA achievement
* Providng details for communication.

So, in short you should do what you should do as a team leader and a person - show appreciation and sharing useful things.

How can being an SFI affiliate change your life?

8483 votes

Victoria Mineva, Aff (Bulgaria) 8/14/2015 6:24 am

Affiliate since: 06/01/2011, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello, I don't know about the other, but let me share my own experience as a changed person after joining SFI. Here are my accomplishments till now:
- I became organized person with great time schedule and discipline
- I learned a lot and I dare to call myself an inspiring leader
- I develop my personality daily and I became better human being
- I support and treasure the people in my circles
- I know a lot about internet, affiliate, e-mail and network marketing.


How can I learn to be a good Team Leader for my group?

8302 votes

Victoria Mineva, Aff (Bulgaria) 1/10/2016 2:50 am

Affiliate since: 06/01/2011, Power Rank: 99999999

I am not sure how to be a good Team leader because I don't decide it, but my team does it. This is what I do:

- Send weekly team mail
- Discuss in the mail the SFI news
- Sharing what I do, buy and read
- Show appreciation toward my team
- When one of my PSA becomes EA I give him/her reward - TCredits and Reassign PSA
- When someone of my team ask me something I answer as fast as I can
- When people of my team need me and I know it, I stay

What are the best products to buy at TripleClicks if my objective is to build my SFI business?

8298 votes

Victoria Mineva, Aff (Bulgaria) 8/14/2015 6:18 am

Affiliate since: 06/01/2011, Power Rank: 99999999

The best products for buying on Tripleclicks are those that people purchase for their SO. Never mind if the SO is for 1200 VP, 1500 VP or 1780 VP
In this way of thinking the best things for building SFI are:
1. T-credits - you can play games and earn great prizes from them. You can also bid on auctions and save money.
2. S-co-builder - if you don't have time to build team and look for PRM, it's great to buy one or more units of S-co-builder
3. PSA to go - it's

What qualities should we look for in our PSAs before sending them an invitation for the Designated Diamonds program? And where do I look?

8249 votes

Victoria Mineva, Aff (Bulgaria) 1/10/2016 2:39 am

Affiliate since: 06/01/2011, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello, Designated Diamonds is great motivation, but for sure needs some qualities in PSA.
I looked at my Genealogy and I didn't see some who wants to be DD yet. But what I look for?
- Responsibility
- Daily, weekly, monthly activities
- Spending TCredits when needed
- EA 2 for at least 1 year
- Regular team mail or chat
- Pure interest in my experience
- Wanting to know more and ask questions
- Don't breaking any promises
- Serious attitude toward

How can we guide our new affiliates in a way that prevents or minimizes information overload?

8056 votes

Victoria Mineva, Aff (Bulgaria) 9/11/2015 5:38 am

Affiliate since: 06/01/2011, Power Rank: 99999999

I wondered the same thing not so long ago. But now I have a strategy. I made few e-mails with smaller pieces of information and I send it regularly to my team members if they don't have any questions at first and we're not online to chat. There is my strategy if I can call it like this:
* Day 1 - Versapoints and Tripleclicks /SFI basics/
* Day 2 - Gateways and promoting them
* Day 3 - SO and commissions
* Day 4 - T-currency and EZ games
* Day 5 - Importance

How can I earn the most money in recruiting and building a team of affiliates...or by selling TripleClicks products?

7831 votes

Victoria Mineva, Aff (Bulgaria) 2/24/2016 5:02 am

Affiliate since: 06/01/2011, Power Rank: 99999999

You can earn the most money in SFI by Tripleclicks sales. Building a team takes years. For example - to earn 1500 VP by building a team, you should have 15 EA2. That can happen in best way for around 5 - 7 years being in SFI. If you sell 1 pack of 125 T-credits you earn 1500 VP immediately. This is raw example. The truth about SFI is you should Sell Tripleclicks products. If Tripleclicks becomes famous online shop as Amazon and E-bay it will be easier but at the moment it isn't