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What is a good goal to shoot for in SFI this year?

1 votes

Richard Jensen, Aff (Colorado, US) 1/9/2013 11:37 pm

Affiliate since: 10/20/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Get out of debt. Start by paying 4% at the end of January (if that is realistic. And increase your debt reduction by increasing your payments an additional 4% each month.Determing the monthly requirement to eliminate all debt in one one year. Be debt free by Dec 31, 2013. Determing that you can accomplish this realistic increasing goal, by increasing SFI income or some other source. Use your imagination to increase income. It will encourage you to compete in SFI. Be #1 at the end of the year.

How do I present the SFI/TC opportunity to a prospect without "overselling" it and turning them off?

1 votes

Richard Jensen, Aff (Colorado, US) 1/8/2013 12:06 pm

Affiliate since: 10/20/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
There is always a danger of emphasizing truths about SFI without presenting the need for discernment. We emphasize the FREE aspect for signing up as a customer or as an affiliate. Rarely do we mention the fact that there is a tremendous amount of work that must be done in order to reach the dreams of financial security. Therefore, a day or two into the program, a large percentage of signups, get a few points---and quit. They never look at SFI as providing thousands of dollars worth of benefits--over

Why are badges so important?

1 votes

Richard Jensen, Aff (Colorado, US) 2/18/2013 11:44 am

Affiliate since: 10/20/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Anybody can see the active participation you have had in SFI. They may not understand fully what is entailed at the moment. But it certainly is proof of growth within a known period of time. It is also a measuring stick at a glance of how your individual progress compares with others who have been in SFI for the same period of time. It is almost like a race which the badges show where you are in the race--and what you must do to catch up.

So, use it as a guide for your progress toward

What's the best incentive to offer new affiliates?

1 votes

Richard Jensen, Aff (Colorado, US) 1/14/2013 11:40 pm

Affiliate since: 10/20/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Show that you are sincerely interested in helping them succeed--and then give them actual help to prime the pump for them so they realize progress.

What form of advertisement have you found to be most successful in sponsoring new affiliates?

1 votes

Richard Jensen, Aff (Colorado, US) 12/13/2012 4:10 pm

Affiliate since: 10/20/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
There are many variables in advertising and the effectiveness of it. Is free advertising as good as good as paid. Should you use SEO keywords to filter out the superfluous? Use googles keyword tool. Compare words such as home based income, or similar words to find the highest word usage to pinpoint your ads. Whether paid or free, keywords are essential for high traffic. Then ad content holds their attention and action results both as a result of amount of traffic and then the effectiveness of the

How do you use the information in your Genealogy about the VP your affiliates (individually and collectively) have generated?

1 votes

Richard Jensen, Aff (Colorado, US) 12/13/2012 3:41 pm

Affiliate since: 10/20/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
I was taught to place the inactive people on the back burner and focus on those that have enough interest to login a minimum of once per week. In the early months they should be interested enough to finish out the LaunchPad lessons averaging one per day. That gives them 480 points and a lot of know how. The applicant's interest can be evaluated in many ways. Do they respond to your laying out a path for them to follow, as sheep follow a shepherd. Teach them a simple path and they are less likely