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Should I encourage or discourage my PSAs who want to become Team Leaders right away?

4368 votes

Scott Laing, Aff (Alberta, CA) 9/17/2014 1:47 pm

Affiliate since: 01/30/2010, Power Rank: 8
I would not encourage my PSA's to become Team Leader right away, especially if they are new to the world of internet marketing.

They need to understand the basics of the SFI system, and if they make Team Leader right away, which can be done quite easily with all the free VP they can earn from the getting started actions and Launchpad, the following months can become very disappointing to them.

Help them understand the value of being an EA every month, and how to teach their

Why or why not should I promote Fast-Track 2.0 in my welcome letters to new affiliates? If yes, what wording should I add?

4352 votes

Scott Laing, Aff (Alberta, CA) 10/19/2014 10:29 am

Affiliate since: 01/30/2010, Power Rank: 8
Hi Fiona.

I have started promoting Fast Track 2.0 in my welcome letters to new affiliates, simply because of the Fast Track Bonus Shares you can get.

What or how should you tell them?

I let them know to make sure they complete the getting started actions that have the planes beside them, and to try and purchase something for $20, or sell something to someone from TripleClicks for at least $20.

And that is all I do. SFI promotes it a lot in the first 10

What is the first/best tip you give to your brand new PSAs to help them get started?

4340 votes

Scott Laing, Aff (Alberta, CA) 5/31/2013 5:45 am

Affiliate since: 01/30/2010, Power Rank: 8
The first and best tip I give to brand new PSA's is to click the Start button on their SFI Homepage.

It provides them with the presidents' Getting Started video, along with links to the Launchpad lessons, the SFI Basics page, and the sales and marketing tools.

And I also tell them to send me any questions they have, so that they don't feel alone in trying to start, learn, and build their business.

When a team member asks a question, and you don't know the answer, how can you get them the best and correct answer?

4307 votes

Scott Laing, Aff (Alberta, CA) 3/24/2014 4:41 pm

Affiliate since: 01/30/2010, Power Rank: 8
Hi Pamela.

The first place you can go is the search bar at the top of the page. Type in whatever topic of description about the question, and look for whatever relevant topics that come up.

You can click on those topics to find out what they say, and hopefully you will find the answer you are looking for.

Second, go to ASK SC and in the search box, type in a topic again to see if anyone has asked a question that is similar to what you are searching for. If you find

If you had to start over with SFI, having the knowledge and tools you have now that you didn't have before, what would you do differently?

4222 votes

Scott Laing, Aff (Alberta, CA) 5/14/2013 4:46 pm

Affiliate since: 01/30/2010, Power Rank: 8
1. I would recruit differently. I would do PPC advertising over traffic exchanges because I have learned how to control the costs better, and then receive better quality signups.

2. A blog would be essential in helping to train new affiliates, especially with some videos on how things work; and I would make sure they get weekly messages from there, as I have had good feedback on my blog since I started using one.

3. Pricebenders wasn't available when I first started, so

How do you handle prospects and affiliates who expect to get rich fast?

3674 votes

Scott Laing, Aff (Alberta, CA) 4/30/2014 6:19 am

Affiliate since: 01/30/2010, Power Rank: 8
I think the best way to handle them is to first let them know that this opportunity is not a get rich quick scheme. It is about building their own online business, and that takes time.

Let them know your experiences of how you started to learn SFI and TripleClicks; how important it was to read and understand the basics of the program.

Then you should always be there for them in answering any and all questions they have. For most prospects, there will be many questions, and you

I am not very good at talking to people. How can I talk to them about SFI or TripleClicks in a simple and easy way?

3663 votes

Scott Laing, Aff (Alberta, CA) 4/30/2014 6:52 am

Affiliate since: 01/30/2010, Power Rank: 8
Start off by creating your own blog about SFI, where you can put your words down in written form. Just treat your blog like a business diary; write about what you have learned and how it has helped you.

Then, you can refer people to that that blog.

Basically, not being very good at talking to people is simply a matter of confidence. If you are not sure about SFI for example, then you would probably have a difficult time trying to express ideas about how great the opportunity

What are the personal characteristics and skills you need to become successful with SFI?

3643 votes

Scott Laing, Aff (Alberta, CA) 4/30/2014 6:29 am

Affiliate since: 01/30/2010, Power Rank: 8
One personal characteristic you need to succeed in SFI is to never give up. Network marketing can be a daunting task to people who first start out. The promises might sound great when you first get in, but when money doesn't start rolling in overnight, one of the easiest things to do is quit and move on.

You should also have some patience. Learn to develop that as you proceed in the program. You will need it when you look at what you have achieved, and in working with your own recruits

What was your greatest challenge to success in SFI...and how did you overcome it?

3637 votes

Scott Laing, Aff (Alberta, CA) 5/8/2014 11:17 am

Affiliate since: 01/30/2010, Power Rank: 8
The greatest challenge I have had in SFI is not to give up; to quit this program. I did once, and came back to it 4 years later.

The biggest problem with online business seems to be is that it takes a long time to start to see results that you can be happy with. And to get to that level, you need to understand the program, and then learn how to advertise it to attract people.

After I joined up the second time, I spent a lot time reading the forum and all the free articles

As a new Team Leader, what is the single most important thing I should be doing?

3593 votes

Scott Laing, Aff (Alberta, CA) 4/30/2014 6:33 am

Affiliate since: 01/30/2010, Power Rank: 8
The single most important thing you should do is leading your team.

Lead by example. Make sure your homepage displays lots of badges for your downline to see that you are active in SFI. If you don't do something, why should your PSA's follow you?

Make sure you communicate with them through the stream posts and weekly mail messages. Let them know about different reference and training materials that are free to read on the SFI site.

And make sure you answer their