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Which is better and why? Promoting SFI and TripleClicks locally and more personally...or globally via the Internet?

7644 votes

Sameer Mattu, Aff (India) 11/20/2014 9:40 pm

Affiliate since: 04/24/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Dear Ash

Both are good. One should promote locally as well as globally. I will explain the advantages of promoting SFI locally as well as globally here.


You can promote your SFI and TC Gateways in local News Papers and Magazines. The advantages of such advertising is that people would be more confident to join you just because they can easily approach you in case of difficulty and consult you personally for help, support and

How can I help the Movers on my team move up to the next level?

7643 votes

Sameer Mattu, Aff (India) 11/16/2015 10:24 am

Affiliate since: 04/24/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Zina

Movers on your home page are the PSAs or CSAs who had scored some Versa Points (more than zero). That means they know the procedure of scoring Versa Points. Taking cue from here we need to proceed further.

First of its your primary duty to establish contact with your PSAs/CSAs (movers). Once the contact has been established through email, Personal Messages or through Facebook etc or through phone calls, it becomes easy to help, support and

What are your top tricks for getting the most out of one's Genealogy?

7635 votes

Sameer Mattu, Aff (India) 10/28/2014 7:48 pm

Affiliate since: 04/24/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
My top tricks for getting the most out of my Genealogy are:

1. I write personal messages to those affiliates whose message box shows “GREEN,” indicating that they have confirmed their registration and are serious about SFI business. I write them every day till they respond.

2. I tell them that if they respond to me, I will send them TripleClicks Gift Certificates for just communicating with me regularly.

3. For those affiliates whose mail box in Genealogy shows

What are some good products to promote during the holidays and gift-giving season?

7606 votes

Sameer Mattu, Aff (India) 11/28/2015 11:37 pm

Affiliate since: 04/24/2014, Power Rank: 99999999

Hi Roberto

Thanks for reminding me for the gifts I wanted for my friends, family members and relatives.

1. For friends

One can send the link of New Gateway of SFI business where a joining bonuses of $20, $40 or $100 is mentioned. This way you are going to give your friends an opportunity to earn for life for which if successful, they would remember you throughout their life span.

2. For relatives

The same thing you can do for

How could I promote SFI with a VIDEO?

7594 votes

Sameer Mattu, Aff (India) 11/15/2015 6:10 am

Affiliate since: 04/24/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Thomas

Now a days with so many electronic devices at hand its very easy to load your video. You need to have a good pitch made first for uploading the video. Write it on a sheet or two what you would be saying in front of the camera. Then stand in front of mirror and rehearse your text a number of times so that you become comfortable while the video is being made.

Switch on the device like Galaxy Samsug, or your camera on your Laptop to see your face clearly. Put a bright

What are some tips for getting the most out of the SFI Forum each day?

7553 votes

Sameer Mattu, Aff (India) 11/18/2015 8:23 am

Affiliate since: 04/24/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello Dzul

No one knows better than you how to get most out of the SFI Forum as you a quite experience member and have been very active on the SFI Form. In fact, you should give us the tips. Anyway just for answering your question, I am trying to lay down some tips that I personally use to get the most out of SFI form.

1. Just after login do not head to To-do, instead visit the ALERT tab and check all the post members have written in the Forum section.

2. Whatever

How do I come up with good content for my weekly newsletters to my team?

7529 votes

Sameer Mattu, Aff (India) 11/14/2014 9:09 am

Affiliate since: 04/24/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello Shumiral

It is a good question. Answer to this question will be very good for the new SFI affiliates who are not yet conversant with the nuances of SFI Business. Many affiliates still do not know that they can post a weekly message/newsletter and earn 30 valuable Versa Points.

Now let’s assume that all know about it. One cannot send a weekly message unless he is an EA. So becoming an EA becomes very important to earn these weekly VPs.
The good content is already

Good communication with our team is vital in SFI, but what if we are not good writers; how do we learn to write well?

7518 votes

Sameer Mattu, Aff (India) 11/18/2015 8:26 am

Affiliate since: 04/24/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello Darla

You are right in saying that ‘Good communication with our team is vital in SFI’. Let me clarify one thing here that to communicate with your team you need not to be a famous writer or excellent public speaker.

Have you seen or observed how we chat on Facebook or any other media? Small sentences like what you did today? How many versa points you could score? Did you buy anything from our store Did you have fun by playing any Eager Zebra games?

For building my business, what is the most valuable thing to spend my TCredits on?

7496 votes

Sameer Mattu, Aff (India) 8/10/2015 5:41 am

Affiliate since: 04/24/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Dear Tanja

Your question is very useful for all affiliates of SFI and the Many many thanks for asking such a wonderful and intelligent question on Ask_SC.
First of all, let me inform you that there is not a single activity which is most valuable thing to spend credits on for building your business. In fact build your SFI t, it is the combination of many activities that build your business by spending TCredits.

I am trying to enumerate them one by one below:

1. Please

S-Builder Co-op or PSAs To Go. Which is better and why?

7416 votes

Sameer Mattu, Aff (India) 10/30/2014 9:19 am

Affiliate since: 04/24/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Gloria !

"S-Builder Co-op or PSAs To Go. Which is better and why?"

Which is better and why – is difficult to answer exactly for the following reasons:
S – Builder –Advantages :

It can be bought as a Standing Order worth 1200 Versa Points. Then you need only 300 more Versa Points to go Executive Affiliate for the month. You get your PSAs slow and steady but of quality (those confirm their registration).

