
How do I send E-Cards to my prospective affiliates or members?


SFI E-Cards are fun, little digital “greeting cards” designed for sending to friends, family, and co-workers to tell them about SFI and the Zing Network. They are purposely “casual” in nature. Aggressive marketing is not something you want to do with friends and family, and we want you to be comfortable using our E-Cards. 

With E-Cards, you should commit to “drip marketing.” This means do NOT expect recipients of your cards to immediately join SFI. Rather, just “play it cool” and keep “dripping” on them once every 3-8 weeks or so. You don’t want to mail to them so often that you become an annoyance, or your recipients will just start deleting your messages without even opening them. Instead, pique their interest slowly but surely by mailing them only occasionally—over a long period of time. Patience is the key. Remember that success in business requires long-term planning and thinking. Trying to get things to happen too fast will be counter-productive for you, so just relax and “drip, drip, drip.” Of course, our contacts lists make it very easy to execute perfect drip marketing campaigns. Just create your list and then mail to that list every so many weeks. You can build as many lists as you like and they're very easy to create, maintain, and use.

Learn more about why you should be sending E-Cards HERE.

How to use E-Cards for prospective affiliates and members (including friends, family, co-workers, etc.):

1. Go to your SFI Marketing Center and click the Marketing Aids tab.

2. On the left side of the Marketing Aids page, choose E-CARD from the TYPE dropdown menu.

Click PREVIEW for the card you want to use.

Select the SEND THIS E-CARD link.

5. Choose your SFI Gateway to include your personal Gateway link with your E-CARD so you'll be automatically credited with a sign-up (you'll receive a separate notification of this by e-mail). You can also choose "NONE" if you prefer not to have a gateway link for your recipients to use.

6. Select your E-Card recipients from your contact list.


You'll now see your E-CARD as your recipient(s) will see it. Your name will automatically appear in the subject line, and YOUR PHOTO will appear in the upper right side of the template.

Enter your E-Card greeting and message in the appropriate fields on the left side of the page. As you type, your message will appear over on the right side under your E-Card so that you can see exactly what the finished card will look like.

IMPORTANT! There's usually no reason to provide your gateway URL in your message, as you've probably already selected your gateway link from Step 5 above. Don't confuse your recipients by referring them to extra or different links!

10. Read the important notice (see below) regarding how E-Cards should be used and click I AGREE.

IMPORTANT! E-Cards are designed for your team members, as well as for friends, family members, co-workers—people you know and who know you. E-Cards may not be used for any other types of mailings. Violations will result in immediate suspension. 

11. Click the blue SEND MESSAGE button.

Learn more about using E-Cards to grow your team at this support article.
