What are some of the best ways to advertise my business OUTSIDE of online social media?

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6811 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 12/10/2015 10:22 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
For ideas to adversitse your business outside of online social media, check out the ideas that are listed by SFI under the Marketing tab - sub section Marketing Methods.

The Marketing Methods menu lists several ideas for all affiliates to use to market/advertise their SFI business.

You may also want to consider other ideas such as hosting a SFI party and invite different people to attend. You may one time want to host a SFI Party for stay at home mothers who could be interested
6776 votes
Charolett Whitson, Aff (Indiana, US) Top Author Forum Guru 12/9/2015 3:57 pm
Affiliate since: 08/22/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Charolett's 12 other Ask SC answers
1 .Carry your website with you everywhere you go.

2. Insert your business card when mailing your bills.

3. When you shop give the Cashier your business card when he/she checks
you out.

4. Pick out some products that you have personally used yourself, and if you are
short on cash, write them on a piece of paper with all the information that your
customer will need when ordering
6769 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 12/7/2015 5:46 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello this is a good question.
Even though it seems hard so to say,because the internet has made the world a globl village,through it you can reach millions of people by just seating in your home doing just some clicking and there you are,which make it easy and smarte,
But here where are looking at " some of the best ways to advertised "Outside"online social
Now looking at those three words, "online social media". From my own point of view,if
6736 votes
Pavithra Kumari, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 12/9/2015 7:49 am
Affiliate since: 10/07/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Pavithra's 2 other Ask SC answers
We can promote SFI various ways using various Social Media Options available

a) We can use Professional Websites like linked IN to advertise about SFI and its benefits to attract Affliates from various places and domains who are really interested

b) Make use of various Offline marketing options available in Triple Clicks like Gift cards , E - Brochures , Banners , Badges , etc to promote SFI and Triple Clicks

c) Create Own blogs and website pages ( available both
6718 votes
EGOZI EBONO, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 12/8/2015 4:26 am
Affiliate since: 05/02/2022, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read EGOZI's 56 other Ask SC answers
Ways to advertise sfi business outside social media include the following :

Advertise all your gateways on all national news papers and magazines

Organise open air sign up campaign.

Meeting different groups of people, examples, churches,club members, associations.

Meeting and talking to people 1 on 1

Print tracts and fliers with all your gateways and distribute them.

Produce videos of sfi programs and distribute

You can
6616 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 12/7/2015 4:30 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Some of the best ways to advertise our biz outside of social media are

Upgrade at several business communities.You ads are welcome there.
Not only that, as an upgraded member,your ads go out to the entire community!

Safe-lists and traffic exchanges can be surfed together.I only join safe-lists that
allow me to both read the ads of the membership on their site and they store my
ads for me.

Try to find at least one new place a week
6591 votes
Kerine Williams-Figaro, Aff (Trinidad And Tobago) Top Author Forum Guru 12/14/2015 7:28 am
Affiliate since: 11/30/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Kerine's 19 other Ask SC answers
Some of the best ways to advertise your business OUTSIDE of online social media is as follows
1.Print banners and stickers and place on cars and items you use like cups etc, as to attract potential PSAs and buyers from your TripleClicks site.

2. Print and distribute call cards

3. Print and place advertisements in Newspapers, magazines, journals etc. Flyers could be printed and placed in shops, gyms, coffee shops etc.

4. Weekly group sessions with friends, family
6519 votes
Melanie Ruste, Aff (Philippines) Top Author Forum Guru 12/9/2015 8:04 am
Affiliate since: 09/25/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Advertising and promoting business personally outside online social media is the most effective way to help build your team and encourage your friends and relatives to join in your business because you can teach and explain them well on the flow of your business.

Make a visit to your friends and introduce them your business and products. It is better if you have marketing tools like x-cards and take it where ever you go because along the way you can meet people who are interested to join
6503 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 12/7/2015 5:59 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
I recommend that You do not use traffic exchanges, or solo ads , or mailer lists for the main reason that most of these types are currently experiencing a downturn in their advertising
effectiveness. The basic reason for this is that many of the world's economies are experiencing
loss of value. Loss of value caused by debt borrowing by their governments.
Instead You might try developing Your own website or blog; but You should think of this idea as a
more than one, or a multiple
6484 votes
ADEBIYI SUNDAY, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 12/15/2015 6:02 am
Affiliate since: 09/13/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read ADEBIYI's 10 other Ask SC answers
Advertising Outside Social Media Works Best If It Involved A One To One Approach. I remember few days ago when i print handbills concerning SFI. My handbills answer the questions, what is sfi? . It Also Answer the benefits someone would derived joining sfi. Here I ENUMERATED THE MONEY INDUCED SIGNING BONUS , It answers why sfi is the best among earning program because sfi is not the only program that entice or encourageg peopl with sign up bonus. I Use this handbill to invite people to a seminar