I want to advertise and sell TripleClicks products...but which ones should I choose to promote?

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6016 votes
Manuel Gil, Aff (Connecticut, US) Top Author Forum Guru 8/17/2014 10:55 am
Affiliate since: 12/03/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Manuel's 2 other Ask SC answers
I think you should promote the products that are in high demand and also you should read
the reviews of such as product. You have to analize the percentage of conversions of what ever product you may choose. It may vary because sometimes products at low cost, you may be able to sell faster and a lot of them. On the other hand expensive products
you can still sell them, but not as much as the low cost products.Unless people know that is a must, even though is expensive, you'll be able to
5998 votes
Lesley Cronin, Aff (Ireland) Top Author Forum Guru 8/16/2014 9:43 am
Affiliate since: 01/24/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
In my opinion, the best and easiest products to sell are T-credit packs. They can be used for so many activities on TripleClicks that they practically sell themselves.

What I also do is connect with ECAs in my country/state/city and try to sell they're products as the potential customers I know personally, wont have to spend alot of money on shipping.

I hope this helps :)
5982 votes
Luis De Gouveia, Aff (South Africa) Top Author Forum Guru 8/13/2014 2:56 am
Affiliate since: 01/21/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Luis's 44 other Ask SC answers
Firstly you will have to find out what products the people around/nearby you will be interested in.
Then obviously the quality of the product and service of the seller is of great importance.
Then you can start promoting and selling those products with ease using fliers to promote the products or promoting on your blog page to build your client base.

All the best to you

5973 votes
Danica Matijas, Aff (Serbia) Top Author Forum Guru 8/18/2014 4:29 am
Affiliate since: 06/27/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Danica's 2 other Ask SC answers
hello;) In my opinion,you should focus more on the way how to sell and advertise products ;) what ever you choose someone will be interested in buying...but I think that you should like stuff you are selling,and if you have buy and tested some product you are going to be better seller and you are going to have honest answer for your buyers and you are going to find more and more energy to sell it;) if you don't like stuff you are promoting you are going to have less and less interest and eventually
5973 votes
Sanda Florentina Popa, Aff (Romania) Top Author Forum Guru 8/13/2014 3:06 pm
Affiliate since: 02/19/2018, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Sanda Florentina's 211 other Ask SC answers
Just choose what you like and consider intersting for someone to have and which is not terribly expensive. Also, the items are all the time preferably to be "FREE SHIPPING". Or, if not, choose a location close to potential amateurs of that item, so that they do not have to pay too much for the transportantion cost. Eventually, if you have items you purchased for yourself and you liked them, reccommend them. This can be a very good proof that the seller exist and that he/she is serious.
5969 votes
Lidija Maletic, Aff (Slovenia) Top Author Forum Guru 8/13/2014 7:05 am
Affiliate since: 11/24/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Lidija's 6 other Ask SC answers

you can choose whatever you want :)

There is something in our way of thinking that we choose products we love or we know a lot about them.
As a woman, I prefer to advertise products which are going to be interesting for woman.
So, first look at your own wishes and products you like.
Star advertising.
Later on, you can start selling.
There is nothing to lose.

5880 votes
Renata Josic, Aff (Bosnia And Herzegovina) Top Author Forum Guru 8/13/2014 6:36 am
Affiliate since: 05/02/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Renata's 1 other Ask SC answers

All products have purpose and someone need it. But if you wont to promote some of them i suggest you to choose products that you are familiar with. If you are able to give advice about products and if you can recommend it that helps. World is big market and someone somewhere need item that you are promoting. Find good way to promote, bee seen and chance to sell is there. Don't give up,keep doing your thing and success is guarantied.
5830 votes
King Isaac Excel, Aff (Malaysia) Top Author Forum Guru 8/17/2014 1:56 pm
Affiliate since: 07/17/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read King Isaac's 22 other Ask SC answers
For me the TripleClicks credit is best to sell. Most people like to try their luck on "Auctions" as they would in "Betting" which in itself makes lots of money for the owners.

Even if people have no idea about SFI, once the see penny Auctions, they`ll sure jump at it,hence making immerse profit for you.

Try it out now buddy!
5807 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 8/13/2014 10:48 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999

5795 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 8/20/2014 6:00 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
In my opinion it is very important to know the market where a product is advertised as the basic habits of potential customers. Although it is said that every commodity has a buyer, if a country's very low standard can not be expected to be in the same selling very expensive commodity.
It is also necessary to pay attention to that country's goods are delivered, or whether there are restrictions or not that would have happened to advertise a product that the buyer can not obtain.