Good day Robert,
In life, we are all faced with roadblocks, hurdles and limitations within everything we do. Whether it’s in our personal, work or digital lives, there are often items which stand in the way of us achieving our goals. Success, however, comes flooding through when we remove or refactor these limiting beliefs.
Most people claim to understand the importance of goal setting in order to attain a better life, but in fact, approximately 80 percent of people never set goals for themselves. This is especially prevalent among people who are not involved in some sort of business or entrepreneurial endeavor that promotes goal setting.
Every month on SFI, we set goals. Some of us might just set goals in which its easily achieveable instead of aiming higher to strive or work harder to achieve such goals.
There are four areas of goals: wealth, health, relationships and self-fulfillment. So any goal you set for yourself will fall into one of these areas. When a business professional sets a goal, it tends to be either a wealth goal or a relationship goal. However, achievement involves all four areas, and success means finding balance in the four areas. In order to live a successful life, you need both “being” and “doing” goals in each of
the four areas.
Avoid these 10 roadblocks and goal attainment will be yours.
The 10 reasons why some people fail to acheive set goals are:-
1) Fear of success and/or failure:-
Some people are afraid they will fail or, even worse, that they may
actually succeed. As such, they don’t even bother trying to attain a
goal. Such people lack belief in themselves and in their potential. In
their mind, if they fail, everyone will think negatively of them. And if
they succeed, people will be envious and think negatively of them. So
it becomes a lose-lose situation no matter how they look at it. But
realize that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Believe in
yourself and your abilities and others will, too.
2) Lack of understanding about the goal-setting process:-
Many people mistakenly believe that goal setting simply means
putting a goal on paper, setting a date for completion, marking off
checkpoints as they occur and then starting all over again. Such a
mentality hinders people from success, because a goal isn’t a one-
time thing that you eventually scratch off a list. Setting a goal is
really about changing yourself for the long-term. Goals aren’t short-
term, quick-fix things; they are fixed and immovable destinations that
show the world who you want to become or what you want to
3) Lack of commitment to the goal:-
Even though people state they want to achieve a certain goal, in
truth, they’re really not committed to it. Because of this lack of
commitment, they don’t give the act of goal attainment their full
effort. And as with anything in life, if you don’t give it your all, you
receive mediocre results. Commitment is crucial for attaining any
After setting a goal, writing down dates and setting checkpoints,
some people stop. They never actually take that first step needed to
progress toward their goal. But realize if you don’t get started, you
can’t go anywhere. Without action, nothing happens. So if you’ve
created a goal list and now wonder why none of your goals are
transpiring, ask yourself what action steps you’ve taken to achieve
your goals. If you haven’t taken any action, now is the time to start.
5) Analysis paralysis:-
Many people let questions and doubts paralyze them. They believe
they can’t start on a goal until they have all the answers to every
“what if” scenario. However, no matter how long and hard you
prepare, you will never have all the answers to the questions you ask.
Additionally, most people make their decisions and/or answer their
questions based on where they are right now, rather than on where
they want to go or who they want to become. Always base your
decisions and answer your questions with a view to the future, not a
view to current situations. Your situation will change because of the
decisions you make today and will dictate the success of your
journey. So, move forward toward your goal knowing that you’ll never
have all the answers.
6) Lack of a real destination:-
People often begin setting goals without a solid destination of who
they want to become or what they ultimately want to achieve. But if
you don’t have a destination in mind, then you’ll never know which
road to take to get where you want to go. Your destination needs to
be clear – something you can visualize and describe to others.
Without such a clear view of what you want in life, you’ll be forever
changing course and falling short of your potential.
7.) Failing to plan:-
While many people understand the formula of goal setting, they don’t
have a plan for goal attainment that’s personalized to them and their
experiences. In other words, they neglect the gifts they possess
which can help them attain the goal, as well as the people they know
who may be able to help them. We each bring so many unique
talents and attributes to the table, and we know a multitude of
people who can help us in some way. Be mindful of these
advantages during your planning process and use the resources you
have available to you.
8) Having too many goals:-
Some people have too many goals and not enough focus. It’s like
they’re standing in front of a dart board with three targets in mind.
Hitting just one target is difficult enough; hitting three targets
simultaneously with one dart is impossible. Therefore, determine the
one goal you are focused on and move forward with that one goal
only. Eliminate other goals that are secondary. This is not to say that
you should never have more than one goal. Rather, you need to
realize that you have only so much time and energy. Therefore,
choose the goal that will give you the highest ROE (return on effort)
and focus on that one goal first. Once complete, you can then focus
on other goals in sequence.
9) Feeling unworthy of the end result:-
Some people really don’t believe they’re worthy of attaining the goal.
As such, they self-sabotage themselves. Perhaps they suddenly walk
away from the key contact who will help them with their goal, or they
neglect to do a critical activity that will enable them to achieve their
goal. People who feel unworthy usually lack self-confidence, and
confidence is the keystone to goal attainment.
10) Lack of motivation to change:-
Finally, many people are simply satisfied with what they have and
where they are in life. As such, they don’t explore what else is
available or what greater things they could achieve. Research tells us
that there are only two motivating factors that cause people to
change: pain and pleasure. And even if someone is feeling pain in a
situation, that pain may not be great enough, or he or she is
simultaneously receiving ample pleasure, so the person doesn’t strive
for more. Change and goal attainment only happen when you’re
ready to break the status quo and truly want something better in life.
Goal achievement doesn’t have to be an elusive target. You really
can be whom you want and do what you want. By balancing your
goals into the four categories mentioned and avoiding the mistakes
that hinder people’s results, you can achieve any goal you set for
yourself and reach new levels of personal and professional success.
Hope I was able to help.