The key problem with this question stems from "conquer your personal limitations." By definition, "personal limitations" are exactly that--personal. The answer to this question will depend on too many variables to count. In itself, SFI doesn't directly help with anything personal, either, although through joining SFI, you can find various tools and people that will help you:
* The Internet Income lessons can teach you how to be more successful in business.
* Your sponsors and cosponsors can teach, advise, and guide you.
* The forums can provide you a social network from which you can get more ideas.
* TripleClicks sells hundreds of "how-to" publications that can help you solve problems.
Speaking for myself, it was the Internet Income lessons that did the most for me--I needed knowledge about how to effectively market and promote. In the end, though, only I could conquer my personal limitations by applying what I had learned, though.
The key problem with this question stems from "conquer your personal limitations." By definition, "personal limitations" are exactly that--personal. The answer to this question will depend on too many variables to count. In itself, SFI doesn't directly help with anything personal, either, although through joining SFI, you can find various tools and people that will help you:
* The Internet Income lessons can teach you how to be more successful in business.