The truth is, a lot of people under utilize their best networks. Even if you do not know many people or have a ton of build downline friends, you still have a solid network of people to talk to about the opportunity. Always try to discuss the business with your friends, family, and/or associates. This way, you will be able to continue building more and more prospect potential. Fact is, a lot of people may be looking for the opportunity that you are going to present to them.
Ask your friends, family, and other associates whether or not they would be interested. If they aren’t, ask them if they know anyone they think who would be. As you can see, you can play into their own networks and it could pay off huge. If they happen to know people, you clearly have a warm lead on your hands since you will be referred to by someone that they already trust. As you can see, utilizing your inner market can be huge for building a solid downline.
Ask People You Know.
The truth is, a lot of people under utilize their best networks. Even if you do not know many people or have a ton of build downline friends, you still have a solid network of people to talk to about the opportunity. Always try to discuss the business with your friends, family, and/or associates. This way, you will be able to continue building more and more prospect potential. Fact is, a lot of people may be looking for the opportunity that you are ...more