Dear Bulau,
By advertising individual TripleClicks product, you have these advantages:
a. You work based on focus. You focus on a single product or service. With a limited amount of time you have, it’s enough for you to learn about all aspects of just one product.
b. You may become a master of it. You may have ample time to vary your advertising methods on just that product. I think it’s more worthy of effort if you can execute really good on your niche.
c. You can focus on solving a specific customer’s problem. Think about your targeted customers and create your unique selling proposition.
By advertising an entire TripleClicks store,
a. you can be all things to people. It means you will try to do things that will please everyone. Can you do that?
b. you a attract general audience who does not have a focus on buying a certain product. Which means you get customers with unspecific intention. Just like window shoppers who look around, browse through some items, and possibly make a purchase if something catches their attention.
Make your own choice because both have certain good sides. But for me, I prefer doing advertising on individual product. Do intensive ads on individual products while not forgetting at all the entire store.
You should target at being a BIG fish in a small pond instead of being a BIG fish in an ocean.
Dear Bulau,
By advertising individual TripleClicks product, you have these advantages:
a. You work based on focus. You focus on a single product or service. With a limited amount of time you have, it’s enough for you to learn about all aspects of just one product.
b. You may become a master of it. You may have ample time to vary your advertising methods on just that product. I think it’s more worthy of effort if you can execute really good on your niche.
c. You