The quick answer is; advertising your products is best and here is why;
TripleClicks is the store not the product. As an Affiliate, your mission is to tell people about your product. Notice that everywhere you find advertising happening, be it on TV, Radio, Social Media, Newspapers or websites, not one single advert is talking about how great company X is. They put the product and its benefits first.
Therefore, the best practice method is, pick a few products that you feel will appeal to your target market and promote them.
The quick answer is; advertising your products is best and here is why;
TripleClicks is the store not the product. As an Affiliate, your mission is to tell people about your product. Notice that everywhere you find advertising happening, be it on TV, Radio, Social Media, Newspapers or websites, not one single advert is talking about how great company X is. They put the product and its benefits first.
Therefore, the best practice method is, pick a few products that you feel ...more