When choosing between advertising individual TripleClicks (TC) products and the entire TripleClicks store, you need to find out what works best for you. What works best for you doesn’t necessarily mean it works for everyone. You really need to know the pros and cons between the two.
1. Advertising with individual TripleClicks product/service:
Advertising individual TC products/services will allow you to hone the finer details of your main offering and target your market. It also allows you to focus in your marketing tactics, in picking the highest quality channels and in sourcing traffic that quickly converts into repeat customers.
Instead of trying to please everyone who visits your site by offering a large range of products with minimal detail about each one, if you offer just one TC product/service--or one set of related products--you can really focus on one key set of benefits and answer all the possible questions and doubts your visitors might have about your product. The key is you’re offering information and solutions to their needs with razor-sharp focus on individual TC products/services targeting one type of consumer.
2. Advertising the entire TripleClicks store:
If you choose to advertise the entire TC store, you won’t be able to focus on each individual TC products/services. How do you identify your target market?
You can try mentioning in your ads the TC products/services by categories i.e. Antiques & Collectibles to Travel and see how it works. The bottom line is, testing is the only way to discover what works--and what doesn't.
To attract your prospects/visitors, you can feature in your ads the “Deal of the Day”, Closeouts, Hot Deals, etc. In placing your ads, you’ll need to target people who are always searching for hot deals or are bargain hunters.
You can try both ways and then choose the best for you.
When choosing between advertising individual TripleClicks (TC) products and the entire TripleClicks store, you need to find out what works best for you. What works best for you doesn’t necessarily mean it works for everyone. You really need to know the pros and cons between the two.
1. Advertising with individual TripleClicks product/service:
Advertising individual TC products/services will allow you to hone the finer details of your main offering and target your market.