I wish to simply state that for anyone to become a great salesman/saleswoman is to surround yourself with people who you consider to be leaders in the field of sales or on-line marketing.
The more you connect with individuals who are successful in the area of Sales, by default you will learn strategies, habits, and what not to do from them.
SFI offers opportunity for each affiliate to connect with other SFI affiliates through A2A, SFI Forum Posts, or even reading posts through ASK SC and don't forget the posts that we receive from Gery too.
Seek out those that have or are in a state that you want to be in and connect with them.
I wish to simply state that for anyone to become a great salesman/saleswoman is to surround yourself with people who you consider to be leaders in the field of sales or on-line marketing.
The more you connect with individuals who are successful in the area of Sales, by default you will learn strategies, habits, and what not to do from them.
SFI offers opportunity for each affiliate to connect with other SFI affiliates through A2A, SFI Forum Posts, or even reading posts through ...more