How do you turn affiliates' EMPLOYEE a BUSINESS OWNER mentality?
Do your team members, or even you, still have an employee mentality when it comes to running your business? The employee mentality is a hard habit to break.
So how do you get around that and help your team members start acting like business owners and not employees?
The answer is, nurture the business owner mentality within your team. Coupled with good leadership skills, lead by examples, you should be able to differentiate the Leaders and an employee/workers. What are the difference between employee and business owner mentality?
Traits of people with an employee mentality:
•I work for a paycheck.
•There’s no need to give more than I have to, because the company will take advantage of me.
•The business is lucky to have me.
•Somebody is mandated to take care of me.
•I am entitled simply because I work here.
•I only do what I am told to do.
Even some business owners have an employee mentality. When an employer does not sacrifice personal preference for the good of the business, that employer has an employee mentality.
Here are some traits of the business owner mentality:
•I have a big picture view of the greater good I do with my work and realize that wages is the outcome of the good I do. Simply put, my work brings me great personal satisfaction.
•When I go the extra mile, I am doing it because it helps the business and the people we serve.
•I am blessed to be a part of this company.
•It is my responsibility to see that my job is done to my greatest capability with every patient every day. Nobody can do this for me.
•Entitlement is not a word in my vocabulary. I understand that I receive wages for my efforts, and while fringe benefits are nice, they can disappear if the business is not profitable.
•I understand that there are times when my own personal agenda may be interrupted for the good of the people we serve.
You would love to have a team of staff members with a business owner mentality. Such members are self-motivated, do not feel a sense of entitlement, and have the drive to give more than is expected for the good of the business. They understand that if the business does well, they will ultimately benefit too.
I don’t think one has to be a business owner to develop a business owner mentality. It comes down to understanding the business, understanding that business cycles often change our routines, and most importantly, you need a team members who care about his/her business.
So – do you have an employee mentality or a business owner mentality? It may take some people a long time to actually understand and accept the difference, but once they do, they’ll realize that being a business owner, and owning that mentality, will be a big benefit in how they work their business.
How do you turn affiliates' EMPLOYEE a BUSINESS OWNER mentality?
Do your team members, or even you, still have an employee mentality when it comes to running your business? The employee mentality is a hard habit to break.
So how do you get around that and help your team members start acting like business owners and not employees?
The answer is, nurture the business owner mentality within your team. Coupled with good leadership skills, lead by examples,