The best way to contact a perspective ECA is face to face. Officially Dressed for business of Course,with all the information needed about the program its benefits and what is require in terms of listing products.
But seeing we want them from all over the world this way is not always available..
You can send an email with detail description of the program and want are the benefits and requirements from them using our official letter headings and professional signed of course.You can also post letters using our professional stationery with company heading(Envelopes with heading also).
Just simply inform them about this opportunity,how it provides them with a world wide market and payment is only required on the sale of item which is 15%. Can you really imagine what a save this is FREE ADVERTISING!!!
The best way to contact a perspective ECA is face to face. Officially Dressed for business of Course,with all the information needed about the program its benefits and what is require in terms of listing products.
But seeing we want them from all over the world this way is not always available..
You can send an email with detail description of the program and want are the benefits and requirements from them using our official letter headings and professional signed of course.You can also ...more