Best way is to carry a business card or gift card with yourself. That way you can always give people something that they can admire and check out. That way you will also look serious about your job. You will always be able to advertise SFI or TC, in any situation.
Another way is to use your payoneer MasterCard to pay your bills or for paying for things in shops, supermarkets. It might happen that someone see your card while you are taking it out of your wallet and they will ask you what that card is for and how you got it. Then you will explain what you are doing and advertise yourself.
You can print flyers and represent them to your friends and family. Start conversation casually and give them flyer to see how it looks like and tell them in short notes what this job is all about. You might get lucky and make them join the company.
There are plenty of possibilities and ways to advertise SFI offline, you can also check marketing methods and aids for more ideas. It would be great if you could try everything out, you never know what way is best for you until you try it. It might happen that for one person one way works really good but in your case you don't do so well. So this is individual thing you can't generalize it.
Best way is to carry a business card or gift card with yourself. That way you can always give people something that they can admire and check out. That way you will also look serious about your job. You will always be able to advertise SFI or TC, in any situation.
Another way is to use your payoneer MasterCard to pay your bills or for paying for things in shops, supermarkets. It might happen that someone see your card while you are taking it out of your wallet and they will ask you what ...more