The TC WAVE3 is a very good way of spreading the TC website and benefitting from the valuable TCredits plus Member Reward Points. In addition the chance to win a weekly $250 cash is convincing enough for PSAs to become WAVE3 members. The only cost to join the W3 program is the Starter Kit which cost only $1.95 including shipping and handling fee.
PSAs can be convinced specifically with the following benefits:
1. 5 monthly free TCredits.
2. 50 free monthly Member Rewards Points.
3. Chance to win $250 cash to a W3 member who has referred someone to W3.
4. Earn unlimited TCredits and MRP for referrals.
5. Exclusive W3 member-only specials.
6. Free song of the month download.
The above incentives will convince PSAs to become TC WAVE3 members.
The TC WAVE3 is a very good way of spreading the TC website and benefitting from the valuable TCredits plus Member Reward Points. In addition the chance to win a weekly $250 cash is convincing enough for PSAs to become WAVE3 members. The only cost to join the W3 program is the Starter Kit which cost only $1.95 including shipping and handling fee.
PSAs can be convinced specifically with the following benefits:
1. 5 monthly free TCredits.