Lead by example. Show them what you're getting for your investments. If you're a team leader then show them how you get matching vp and second home CSAs which all add to your income. Explain to them how they will be getting shares in the executive pool for just reaching EA rank and maintaining it.
In your newsletters, you may want to congratulate your team members who reach EA ot team leader and remind them of all the benefits they are getting. This will show your others team members what they can achieve if they made a small investment each month.
I read one of your answers mentioned transference as a terminology. This is a very good idea. I use it myself. The TripleClicks store is filled with a wide variety of products and there are always good deals on offer if you look for them. You may want to carefully select some items and list them (with vp bonus) for your downline to peruse. There are many ways to do this. One is to set up a blog and this way, your downline who are subscribed will see your blogs as and when you publish them.
One piece of advice I think is very important is not to be too pushy. Do not try to sell to your downline as this could get them to run. There is a balance to how you approach the subject of standing orders and making minor investments. I think the key is to get them to ask you, "How can I have what you have?...How much do I need to invest to start earning a profit?" These are the questions you're looking to provoke from your downline. "Yeah right!" I hear some say. Its really not that hard. Just lead by example and show your downline what you are getting from your investment and they will ask you how can I have that too.
Lead by example. Show them what you're getting for your investments. If you're a team leader then show them how you get matching vp and second home CSAs which all add to your income. Explain to them how they will be getting shares in the executive pool for just reaching EA rank and maintaining it.
In your newsletters, you may want to congratulate your team members who reach EA ot team leader and remind them of all the benefits they are getting. This will show your ...more