I think that it is important that when ever we have PSA's or CSA's fill in the forms on joining SFI, we pay close attention to how they answer questions related to the goals in SFI and also their experience in online business.Persons with low scores tend to think that SFI is a job and not a business opportunity.The first thing I do is to let you understand this fundamental difference. With a business opportunity you get what you put in.But for a start you should get used to putting some minimum amounts of money into the business, just like you will do with a brick and mortar business.Secondly I convince them it is necessary to invest some money also in advertisement.This brings in new customers who are the life blood of any business.
If the PSA or CSA can get a hold on this principle, then I know that we are headed to doing business otherwise he or she should head elsewhere and not waste everybody's time.
I think that it is important that when ever we have PSA's or CSA's fill in the forms on joining SFI, we pay close attention to how they answer questions related to the goals in SFI and also their experience in online business.Persons with low scores tend to think that SFI is a job and not a business opportunity.The first thing I do is to let you understand this fundamental difference. With a business opportunity you get what you put in.But for a start you should get used to putting some minimum amounts ...more