Dear Irina,
I think this is a question a great majority of us ask themselves on a daily basis. Having been an EA and up for the 8th month in a row and having recruited over 150 PSAs, I'm still asking this question myself. However, I think that the best way is to act and to lead by example.
You can't expect your team do what you don't do yourself, i.e. if you don't have a standing order, don't expect your PSAs buy standing orders, either. They will look at your profile and rate your advice accordingly. Therefore, you must always be able to back up whatever you offer with your own action of the same kind.
People are cautious about money, especially on the Internet, where most of them jump from one program to another expecting quick riches and being scammed very often. So even if they land in a program like SFI, they are very often full of negativities, especially when someone asks them to spend money where they were supposed to earn money.
So first of all - set your own standards and your own code of conduct as far as being an SFI Affiliate is concerned. Build your position, recruiting new people all the time, and teach them what you have learned yourself, including necessary monetary investment.
Contact your downline via the group/genealogy mailer here on a regular basis and share your story as it has been - pointing out where making an investment paid back in some way, and why it was worth it.
I would say, show them YOUR results, tell them that they can reach the same results, and show them the way to get these results.
Unfortunately, most probably you won't be able to do that after your first month here, so be prepared for a long time run before you see the fruits of your efforts.
Stay persistent and take action! It pays :)
Dear Irina,
I think this is a question a great majority of us ask themselves on a daily basis. Having been an EA and up for the 8th month in a row and having recruited over 150 PSAs, I'm still asking this question myself. However, I think that the best way is to act and to lead by example.
You can't expect your team do what you don't do yourself, i.e. if you don't have a standing order, don't expect your PSAs buy standing orders, either. They will look at your profile and rate