This will my favorite question :) Because i love badges.
In area of growing team with preference of badges will be funny but it depends on interest of people's mindset.
Let me give you example. see if you have Degree of Engineer and same side another person is , you both have spent same to time to get degree but when you put your name in resume you can say Er. Pratik Patel while that other guy will say Pratik Patel with graduate degree.
So at level of equality it makes difference.
In SFI you can encourage your downline first to get Fast track badge as its very easy to get , So never forget to mention in welcome letter taking 500vp in st 24 hour.
Immediately after that a2a badge and its benefits also. By becoming a2a member they can get help from different people by making them friends.
There are number of badges and their benefits .
If you make more VP then you will get badge of it to show your downline to make more vp to take bundle of advantage from Tripleclicks Executive pool.
There newest one Card distributors badge :)
You can show yourself as a very much good promoter of Tripleclicks via it.
In short i would like to say don't see badges as only showpiece but understand value of it, howmuch hard work you have done to get it.
Tell them the importance of badges. Finally its a moment to get pride to have more badges.
I love badges. :)
This will my favorite question :) Because i love badges.
In area of growing team with preference of badges will be funny but it depends on interest of people's mindset.
Let me give you example. see if you have Degree of Engineer and same side another person is , you both have spent same to time to get degree but when you put your name in resume you can say Er. Pratik Patel while that other guy will say Pratik Patel with graduate degree.
So at level of equality it