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What are you doing today (to develop your SFI business) that will matter tomorrow?

12052 votes

Jackie Foster, Aff (Ohio, US) 4/13/2016 11:28 am

Affiliate since: 12/12/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
What you choose to do today truly does affect your tomorrow!
While you may not be clocking in, SFI is your job! Actions must be taken each and every day (without fail) to ensure your success.

Have you logged in?
Have you completed your daily tasks?
Is your Leadership Page up to date?
Have you reached out to/corresponded with your team?
Have you updated your blog/website?
Have you placed any ads?
Have you contacted any potential ECAs?
Have you sold

As a new affiliate, how much should I invest in SFI to start earning money every month?

11181 votes

Jackie Foster, Aff (Ohio, US) 4/5/2016 1:52 pm

Affiliate since: 12/12/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Do NOT spend more than you can afford.

Having said that, it is wise to have a standing order (ideally, one that will guarantee you 1500 VP each month). The product you choose is entirely up to you, but I would recommend the 125 pack of TCredits for $36.25 (you will NEED TCredits).

A quick method to building a team is to purchase PSAs at TripleClicks (price varies). Get at least one of them to fast-track gold and you are on your way to receiving commissions from their sales.


How can you revive affiliates that have become inactive...and get them active again?

9853 votes

Jackie Foster, Aff (Ohio, US) 3/4/2016 4:24 pm

Affiliate since: 12/12/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
How can you revive affiliates that have become inactive...and get them active again?

This is a great I'm sure we've all spent much time pondering. Sadly, there is no easy answer.

Our Forum is filled with suggestions like: send gift certificates, send TCredits, or offer to buy their NMP.
These suggestions may work, but not every affiliate has the means to "buy" their PSA's activity.

Each person joining SFI does so for their own reasons.

Where could I advertise TripleClicks products other than on social media?

9537 votes

Jackie Foster, Aff (Ohio, US) 3/4/2016 9:16 am

Affiliate since: 12/12/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
"Where could I advertise TripleClicks products other than on social media?"

This is an excellent question; one we are challenged with every day.

While there are plenty of other online venues to pursue (participate in product-related forums and guest blogging come to mind), let's revisit old-fashioned, off-line advertising methods.

Word of mouth remains a wonderful advertising tool. That cute piece of jewelry you're wearing? Don't hesitate to let your

Does purchasing Website traffic work, to get sales and/or SFI sign-ups?

9159 votes

Jackie Foster, Aff (Ohio, US) 2/15/2016 12:25 pm

Affiliate since: 12/12/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Purchasing website traffic (assuming you are purchasing through a site that drives LEGITIMATE traffic and not one of those "let's inflate the numbers so your page appears more popular" sites) can, in fact, drive more traffic to your page. Will it result in more sales/sign-ups? Absolutely no guarantee.

For that reason, why not investigate methods of driving traffic to your site/page that are entirely free?

Assuming again that you have already created a website or blog

Facebook is overcrowded with online job ads. Where else can I advertise?

9121 votes

Jackie Foster, Aff (Ohio, US) 2/15/2016 9:22 am

Affiliate since: 12/12/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Facebook is free, readily accessible to anyone, and has a global reach; indeed, it is oversaturated with ads.

Where else to advertise? ALL advertising is good and potentially beneficial...the flyers you print out and leave at your local laundromat or supermarket may well find their way into the hands of someone looking for EXACTLY what you are offering. Business cards left with the tip at a restaurant can have the same results.

Paid advertising, of course, opens new venues,

Which would be good TripleClicks products to promote for Easter?

8958 votes

Jackie Foster, Aff (Ohio, US) 2/15/2016 9:39 am

Affiliate since: 12/12/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
While promoting specific products for Easter is a sure way to capitalize on the upcoming holiday and increase sales, do remember that Mother's Day, Father's Day, and Graduation Day are also rapidly approaching!

Traditional Easter-themed products to promote could include any of the following:
Lovely Baskets
Easter Dresses
Religious Jewelry
Easter-themed cards/decorations
T-shirts with an Easter theme

Also note that, while Easter falls on Sunday,

How do you keep brand new affiliates from quitting or becoming inactive almost immediately after joining?

8740 votes

Jackie Foster, Aff (Ohio, US) 2/25/2016 12:04 pm

Affiliate since: 12/12/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
While this is an excellent question, it must be noted that for some (those "tire-kickers" prevalent in this industry), there is perhaps nothing can be done to ensure their participation.

That being said, it is best to send a warm welcome to the new affiliate as soon as possible.
Assure him/her you are there to help them succeed.
Be accessible. Offer Guidance. Offer encouragement and acknowledge achievements.

Realize that every affiliate will have a different

How can I earn the most money in recruiting and building a team of affiliates...or by selling TripleClicks products?

8733 votes

Jackie Foster, Aff (Ohio, US) 2/25/2016 12:23 pm

Affiliate since: 12/12/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
This question can't be answered with a simple "either/or," as the answer is a most emphatic "AND."

Short term: while building an active team of affiliates will bring you commissions on their sales, that is a long term process. You need income NOW. You need commissions NOW. That can only be achieved by making your own sales NOW.

With the advent of the new Product Collections, this should encourage you to get creative. Build your own collections, advertise

My team has a negative attitude about SFI. How can I change it to a positive one?

6412 votes

Jackie Foster, Aff (Ohio, US) 1/28/2016 12:29 pm

Affiliate since: 12/12/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
This is an excellent question!

Is it possible that what you are perceiving to be a "negative attitude" may be actually be a silent cry for help? Thoughts such as: "I don't know what to do," or "Where do I go from here," that your team members may be having but NOT verbalizing to you would certainly leave you with your "negative attitude" impression.

Yes, I realize SFI provides us with all the information we need, but I also realize that