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How are you promoting TripleClicks to prospective ECAs?

11749 votes

Shane Neal, Aff (California, US) 4/12/2016 1:00 am

Affiliate since: 08/03/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
How are you promoting TripleClicks to prospective ECAs?

I believe that one of the best ways to promote our TripleClicks home business shopping site is face to face with the business owners.
I would first present them with a binder of information, pictures & flyers from TripleClicks, showing them some of the many marketing tools available to our members to use to promote there products.

Next I would then take them to the TripleClicks website and show them how easy

What are the big picture things you are doing to make your SFI business a success?

7899 votes

Shane Neal, Aff (California, US) 10/1/2015 9:10 pm

Affiliate since: 08/03/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
This is a great question. The answers lead us to the core of working together.

As we answer this question, much of the information given, are the proven efforts of those that have tried and succeeded to find new options, now available to themselves and us, by doing things with a creative approach.
Included will be the traditional methods that work for them. Reading all the answers will give you a message/idea's, to share with your team members. With thousands of us working together,

What are some ideas for having an open house get-together to present the SFI opportunity?

7266 votes

Shane Neal, Aff (California, US) 10/15/2015 3:06 pm

Affiliate since: 08/03/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Great question,
making it more personal by inviting them into your home is a great approach. It shows prospects that you are confident with your SFI business, & that you will personally be there to help them succeed along side of you.
You could offer SFI as a home workshop for all or one of the marketing links available to us through SFI 's marketing tab.
Offer a free home cooked dinner or lunch prior to the meeting to help everyone get acquainted and show up leisurely before

What would be some good products to promote for Father's Day (and/or for a Father's Day Product Collection)?

6875 votes

Shane Neal, Aff (California, US) 3/14/2016 2:25 pm

Affiliate since: 08/03/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Father's Day is an excellent opportunity to promote any and all products sold at TripleClicks. The available products are as unique as each father is to his family.
Promote the ability to choose a gift as unique as their father is.
The collection option gives you a chance to promote several items at the same time, choose something fun and family oriented to keep with the holiday theme.

How can I convince people who do not speak English to join SFI and work with me?

6257 votes

Shane Neal, Aff (California, US) 1/28/2016 12:55 pm

Affiliate since: 08/03/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Great question on communication!

I would let them know that there is a translator tab at the bottom of each communication page within SFI. This helps us all communicate better with each other.
Let them know that we can also transfer them to an affiliate who speaks the same language in the same country if necessary.
We prefer to try and find ways to work around the language barrier and make new friends all over the world.

What is the quickest way to advance from affiliate...all the way to Diamond Team Leader?

5837 votes

Shane Neal, Aff (California, US) 1/28/2016 1:09 pm

Affiliate since: 08/03/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
The quickest way to advance to Dimond is to recruit as many new affiliates as possible in as many different ways as you can.
Also recruiting ECA's will increased your commissions and your rank.
Communicate with your team members on how to build their teams with duplication to strengthen their teams, which strengthens your team, which strengthens all of us because it strengthens SFI.