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What is some good text to use on a Welcome E-Card?

8128 votes

Qaseem Uz Zaman Khan, Aff (Pakistan) 2/24/2016 2:45 am

Affiliate since: 10/27/2014, Power Rank: 99999999

While drafting a text, difference between welcome letter and an E-card should be kept in mind. Generally E-cards are already loaded with main theme, lengthy details in it may lost attraction and a pleasant surprise of recipient. For a card I think few lines or even few words would suffice to convey your feelings. A welcoming letter to follow is best suited for a brief introduction of the organization and prospects for new members. Initially let the new member of SFI family be inquisitive

Should I or shouldn't I try to recruit people to become SFI affiliates when they are not English speakers/readers?

6873 votes

Qaseem Uz Zaman Khan, Aff (Pakistan) 3/12/2015 5:39 am

Affiliate since: 10/27/2014, Power Rank: 99999999

1.It is better and your priority should be for English speakers/readers but this is not the only option or solution for your business to expand.
2.Go through again all marketing methods, aids and training on referring members,sponsoring affiliates provided by SFI,did you ever see any line or any word regarding language barrier? Now go through Gateway list provided by SFI to you,did you ever find "English speakers/readers are highly encouraged to join" or "English speakers/readers

What's the biggest turn-off that I should avoid talking about to prospects for SFI?

6214 votes

Qaseem Uz Zaman Khan, Aff (Pakistan) 12/9/2014 5:01 am

Affiliate since: 10/27/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
I think you should avoid following points, to face the biggest turn-off:

1.Do not tell any thing,minor or major,which proved wrong later on.
2.Tell them that they are joining a business and business means business.Here they have to invest time and money,results will be accordingly. 3.Myth of overnight rich should be curbed at once.
4.Inform them about initial hurdles,do not paint unnecessary rosy picture.
5.Do not avoid their questions.


Is there such a thing as helping your affiliates TOO much?

6189 votes

Qaseem Uz Zaman Khan, Aff (Pakistan) 12/8/2014 4:40 am

Affiliate since: 10/27/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Help is never too much,if it is really needed.If we guide and teach our affiliates properly it is a great help not too much.We should keep in mind that one should not become totally depended while seeking help,then of course it may be a too much help which is obviously not advisable rather overdosing the patient.Those who are in need of help you should encourage,pat and give a hand for moving forward.
The other aspect is that help is not a measurable quantity,it may not be a much help for someone,for

How can I become a good supporting sponsor when my communication skills are not good?

5768 votes

Qaseem Uz Zaman Khan, Aff (Pakistan) 5/29/2015 6:27 am

Affiliate since: 10/27/2014, Power Rank: 99999999

"Communication skills" is not any extraordinary quality required to qualify as a good supporting sponsor. As for as you can communicate and I believe you can as your question shows, should be taken as more than enough to continue your task. However communication is a very vast subject,it would have bee more appropriate if you could have slightly pinpointed your grey areas.

Having said that, let me tell you there is no declamation contest going on neither is any essay

What is the best way to help people that want to get involved with SFI who do not have time to put into it but have money to invest?

5589 votes

Qaseem Uz Zaman Khan, Aff (Pakistan) 3/23/2015 3:20 am

Affiliate since: 10/27/2014, Power Rank: 99999999

It is really a difficult and tricky question.
One should ask such people, what is the objective behind joining SFI? They should also be asked, whether they got the money without investing time or through any short cut means? No time or don,t have time,means no need of joining SFI. You got to have little time or even insufficient time to manage your activities. Absolute meaning is, if you don,t have time for any other activity,concentrate what are you already engaged in. Frankly speaking

Why should I invest in SFI?

5216 votes

Qaseem Uz Zaman Khan, Aff (Pakistan) 12/18/2014 9:59 am

Affiliate since: 10/27/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
It would have been a best question but outside SFI forum.Let me allow to say,asking this question in SFI forum by an affiliate,seems to be a question for the sake of question.To answer this question,I would ask,don,t you believe in SFI and don,t you know the basics of running a business.If there is a big YES behind the answer of such questions,then no need of further clarification.

There are two parts of your question,one SFI,second investment.If you have gone through the SFI Basics,Launchpad,Start,Forum,Ask

I want to recruit only SERIOUS affiliates. What should I tell prospects about SFI to ensure this?

4922 votes

Qaseem Uz Zaman Khan, Aff (Pakistan) 1/19/2015 5:14 am

Affiliate since: 10/27/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Your second part of the question is more important as "What should I tell prospects about SFI to ensure this?"
Obviously you cannot discourage signing ups.SFI is open to every one.How can we discriminate a serious or non-serious affiliate? How can any one guarantee an none-serious affiliate will remain in same state of mind throughout the life or vice versa? There is no process through which only SERIOUS affiliates are filtered to any sponsor,s credit.Let me say there is no formula

How long should I pursue inactive PSAs/CSAs with emails, e-cards, etc. before giving up on them?

4740 votes

Qaseem Uz Zaman Khan, Aff (Pakistan) 9/20/2015 7:50 am

Affiliate since: 10/27/2014, Power Rank: 99999999

Simplest answer of your question may be as for as they are your PSA/CSA,you are not suppose to give up on them,after all they are your prospect,giving up on them means giving up your efforts to achieve your aim. We should always curb the tendency of thinking of giving up our efforts.There are some questions,specific answer is difficult to find like mathematics 2+2=4, you cannot make any hard and fast rule about it.

Should I advise new PSAs to slow down and not qualify as Team Leaders so quickly?

4141 votes

Qaseem Uz Zaman Khan, Aff (Pakistan) 2/7/2015 3:08 am

Affiliate since: 10/27/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
1.It is an interesting question.Guiding properly a PSA is really a tricky affair.Main emphasis should be to make them understand SFI working.There are so many links and lot of reading material in SFI.Encourage PSAs to familiarize with the SFI environment gradually and peacefully.It has a bit multidimensional as well as multilevel business growth expansion.
2.Slow and steady wins the race,is very old saying.If you know the potential of your PSAs,you can remind and guide them accordingly with