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Should I or shouldn't I try to recruit people to become SFI affiliates when they are not English speakers/readers?

7205 votes

Stephen Lemay, Aff (Ontario, CA) 3/10/2015 4:08 pm

Affiliate since: 10/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
I see no reason why you shouldn't recruit non English speaking affiliates. We have a translator on almost every page which will translate the page to almost any language. Plus we have friends in A2A which can also help with translations. With all this help we are able to recruit from any where in the world. SFI has all the bases covered through years of experience and we have all that at our finger tips.

What is the best way to help affiliates in my group who have limited access to a computer?

6779 votes

Stephen Lemay, Aff (Ontario, CA) 3/10/2015 4:13 pm

Affiliate since: 10/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
The best way to advise them is to break SFI down to simple quick steps for them so they can use the little time they have on a computer effectively and quickly. So, daily to do list and email responses to their down line. They should plan what they want to accomplish and plan how they are going to do it, this will cut down on wasted time and be affective with the little time they have.

If you were to start over with SFI, what would you do differently, knowing what you do now about this business?

6730 votes

Stephen Lemay, Aff (Ontario, CA) 3/31/2015 8:11 am

Affiliate since: 10/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
If I started over in Sfi the only thing I would do differently would be to buy more New Members Packs. I only bought one and wish I had gotten more of them. That is a great deal and would like to see deals like that on members birthdays perhaps. I believe that when a person starts with SFI that the Fast Track program and the New Members Pack are two great things that all members should take advantage of and they only have ten days through the first option of Fast Track Membership. There are now other

There are many actions in SFI for which you can earn VersaPoints. Which is the action you should recommend to your downline to focus on and why?

6294 votes

Stephen Lemay, Aff (Ontario, CA) 3/31/2015 8:17 am

Affiliate since: 10/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Choosing one action to focus on in SFI for Versa Points is hard. It's like placing two eggs on a plate and then saying choose the best one, they are all Versa Points and all are valuable. If I had to choose one, I guess I would focus on the 100 Versa Points for the standing order of an order through Triple Clicks for 1500 Versa Points or more. Doing this would ensure the affiliate would reach at least EA2 for the month.

What is the most important message I must convey to my team to prevent them becoming inactive?

5407 votes

Stephen Lemay, Aff (Ontario, CA) 4/10/2015 9:32 am

Affiliate since: 10/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
What I convey to my new affiliates is that SFI is not a get rich quick scheme and they will not become rich over night, but they can set up an ongoing income that will still be there throughout their life even through their retirement. If they are willing to learn and put what they learn into action then they have what it takes to succeed here and I will be there for them every step of the way. I will answer all the questions they will have within a 24 hour period and teach them what I know about

Should I stick strictly to using SFI's system or would it benefit me to add some of my own touches and strategies?

5367 votes

Stephen Lemay, Aff (Ontario, CA) 4/10/2015 9:20 am

Affiliate since: 10/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
I would suggest sticking to the system set up by SFI for the first little while you are with SFI until you fully understand the business. Why reinvent the wheel if you don't fully understand how a wheel works. Study all the lessons and read the forum posts and information in SFI. If you feel that adding your own special touches and strategies would benefit you, then by all means try them out and tweek them as you go. If you find they don't work then fall back on the system SFI has set up until you

How do I identify amongst all my downline members which ones could be superstars in SFI?

5331 votes

Stephen Lemay, Aff (Ontario, CA) 4/10/2015 9:12 am

Affiliate since: 10/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Identifying a superstar in SFI is really easy. They show an eagerness to learn and most of them hit the ground running. They do the Getting Started actions and do the Launch Pad lessons and are active from day 1. They ask questions and act on the answers you give them. They advertise and recruit affiliates. Basicly they start earning from day 1 and stay active, usually reaching EA2 status or higher the second month.

What would you say to a PSA who states that their goal is to find an online job involving filling out forms and typing?

5308 votes

Stephen Lemay, Aff (Ontario, CA) 4/10/2015 9:27 am

Affiliate since: 10/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
I would tell them that with SFI there are a lot of forms and typing involved with the advertising and that this is what they are looking for. I would ask them why would you want to work for someone else and fill forms and type what they tell you to when you could do it for yourself and not answer to anyone when you want a bit of time for yourself. They can set their own schedule and change it as they want. Filling forms and typing has a limit on what you can earn per action but with SFI there is

What are the best methods to grow your business if you are shy and not internet savvy?

4632 votes

Stephen Lemay, Aff (Ontario, CA) 2/28/2015 12:00 pm

Affiliate since: 10/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
I feel the best way would be to start Growing your business is with S-Builder Co-Op shares. Then this gives you the time to explore other ways to advertise for PSAs and to learn new computer skills. The areas you lack the computer skills in can be improved by either asking for help in the forum or by doing a Google search on How To _______ (insert the skill you want to learn).

Is it worthwhile to sponsor affiliates who speak little English or have very limited computer/Internet experience?

4628 votes

Stephen Lemay, Aff (Ontario, CA) 2/28/2015 12:15 pm

Affiliate since: 10/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Personally, I would not limit myself to only sponsoring affiliates with certain skills or a strong English vocabulary. We have use of translator programs on the internet as well as a translator on almost every page of SFI. As far as computer skills go, help is just a click away, they can learn these skills from you, other affiliates through A2A, the forum and other members in their up-line.