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What are the benefits of becoming a W3 member?

6395 votes

Slobodan Čalaković, Aff (Serbia) 9/13/2014 4:29 pm

Affiliate since: 04/19/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
YOUR ENVELOPE WITH WAVE 3 stickers USUALLY arrives for the TEN
DAYS, if you happen to wait longer, it's the post office or customs, and sometimes to
neighbors who dig into your mailbox ?
What should you do?
Paste the sticker on the window of your car (or a neighbor) by
Instruction to get the envelope, it's nice to get dressed, makeup on and take a picture so
to see the label. Transfer the file to your computer and do UPLOAD PHOTO

What are the most cost effective way to increase your chances of success with SFI?

4884 votes

Slobodan Čalaković, Aff (Serbia) 6/5/2014 7:26 pm

Affiliate since: 04/19/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
I think that the most effective way to success in SFI is to build a good team. You need to work on attracting more new members (PSA) in your tim.Allso you must encourage your PSA-s to constantly be active and provide them with maximum support.
You need to be positive and learn to transfer positive energy to your team.
So, building a strong and active team that has a soul, in my opinion,is the real path to success in SFI.